Not directly is how it all works these days. A pac here or a dark pac there. He either gets support or gets shafted. It’s all out there if you’re willing to look.
"Not directly" meaning "he's pouring money into a Super-PAC that lavishly praises people exactly like me, and policies exactly like what I'm advocating—but the money isn't coming to ME. It's just like Citizens United intended, where rich people can bankroll campaigns and pretend they aren't."
"Not directly. I mean as long as I'm a good boy he'll fund attacks against any and all of my opponents and if I fall out of line, he'll fund attacks against me, but you know, it's all good. Free speech."
Some people say that they are now ashamed to be Americans. Don't be, be proud to be Americans and then you know what to do when South-African Nazis took over your country.
Musk has BILLION$ invested with China weapons! This IS THE END of Democracy! Repubs KNOW this in congress! They had hearing in 2023 when Musk was on Biden side! If repubs do not STOP this then EVERY REPUBLICAN is at fault! Gifted article
So is this what the founders envisioned, one man having power over all the government because he has more money? Or screw that, I don’t care about what the founders want any more, I don’t want a country where one man controls the government cuz he has all the money. These cowards.
This is a clear example of why Bernie & AOC are as loved and effective as they are. Neither accept money from corporations or lobbyists. Time to clean up our party and toss those that are wholly owned by PACs.
Yay… love people who’s not afraid of speaking truth on people faces. In the meantime the other person lies. “Not directly” it goes in to my checking account first, then I get it. 🥴
That would make them actually useful to their audience. Can't have that! Moving on! for no reason even though we are a 24/7 news network that could spend hours on any single topic or interview, but don't.
Your comment hits the nail on the head. They will always shift the goalposts, and they've crossed the line where they don't care if it is illegal or should be illegal as long as they can do it. It really is an entire group of like less than 1000 people ruining the rest of our lives
Remember during his SOTU speech in 2011, when BO called on Congress to write legislation to overturn Citizens United v FEC ruling (2010), & Alito shook his head and mouthed the words, “no”?
Except it’s been 60 yrs since any party held anything close to 2/3 Senate control to remove ANYONE via impeachment w/out buy-in, whether it’s a justice or a POTUS.
As an ex-Senator, BO knew that, & it’s why any talk of removing any civil servant via impeachment is just kabuki political theater.
“Not directly… Elon only donates unlimited amounts to a dark-money super-PAC that floods the airwaves with attack ads that help my campaign, and he doesn’t donate to my competitor’s super-PAC, so it’s totally fair!”.
Well; glad to see it's FORMER Congressman Lawler trying to deflect; maybe he should be following the AOC model of avoiding those donors so large it's unclear who's behind them.
In the last month alone, Musk’s America PAC has put more than $1 million each behind GOP candidates in two of the tristate area’s most-competitive races: Reps. Mike Lawler of New York’s Hudson Valley and Tom Kean of New Jersey.
Elon Musk almost totally funded that SuperPAC, so therefore YES, he DID
These people need to start thinking about their constituents and the good of their country, not self.. muskrement is working to destroy America, trump just thinks he's in charge, but muskrement has his own, or someone else's agenda he's working on...
"Not directly" is the whole DAMN problem. Citizens United bought the land and poured the foundation for Project 2025. This authoritarian nightmare, powered by billionaire donations, will not end until we bring SCOTUS to heel.
Damn f'n right.
This is exactly how it works.
The GOP are a fully owned subsidiary of the Billionaires, Bros and CEOs
And the Democrats need to have a hard look at who's more worried about their PACs than their values.
Exactly. We have this in Germany too. This moving on. It makes me crazy, made me stop watching TV for health reasons. Yes, the world is complicated, not everything can be explained in 3 sentences. But that does not mean that it should just be left in the dark.
Not directly
Kind of like Musk bringing a pie to a party
Everyone gets a piece, but he does not directly give it to any single person
But you still ate a piece of the pie 😜
Campaign contributions should be illegal. All campaigns should be publicly funded, with the same amounts available to all candidates. Political action committees should also be illegal.
Would probably be covered under campaign contributions since that's how it started. But we also need organizations like ALEC and the Heritage Foundation to be banned from direct participation in government. They WRITE BILLS.
When you're that close to a criminal, and you do nothing to subdue and prevent them from committing any more crimes, you are party to and accepting of that behavior.
Not directly. He left money in an envelope with my name on it on my desk in my office, where I just happened to later discover it (or some other such BS).
“Not directly.” It’s like if an older brother puts his younger brother up to doing something stupid and when caught a parent asks, “did you have anything to do with x?”, the older brother can respond, “not directly”.
Why not arrest politicians for accepting bribes?? Why not require politicians to openly state that they can not vote on a bill because their donor could be affected. Why not arrest Musk for putting our politicians on such a position? Why not?
A lot of it isn’t. Purchasing politicians is technically legal now due to the SCOTUS Citizens United case that removes the cap on donations to political campaigns from a single entity/person. So mega-corporations/billionaires began buying up politicians throughout the 2010s. It’s literally #bribery
Surprise! Congressman or WESTCHESTER COUNTY, NY is bankrolled by a billionaire. But not “directly” because one doesn’t want to be too obvious. For those that don’t know NY, Westchester is where NYC CEOs and former politicians call home. It’s very very upscale.
"They [politicians] should actually have to have jackets with the names of all the people who are sponsoring them...Then you might have a clue to why the fuck they voted that way." -Robin Williams
Like NASCAR, just paint the sponsors all over your suit! Here comes Comer from Kentucky, sponsored by Maker’s Mark whiskey. Here comes Boebert from Colorado, sponsored by Coors Lite. Here comes MTG from Georgia, sponsored by the TV program “Duck Dynasty”. Would solve some problems.
More like, "Here comes James Comey, sponsored by Tesla, and the Koch Bros."
And in the other corner we have Chuck Schumer, his sponsors include, Goldman Sachs, and Target."
“ I bought you. I own you. I can purchase someone else and replace you.”
Knee capping all institutions that help elders and sick people are on purpose.
He believes that people will die off as a result to achieve his goals.
Thus lowering the cost of doing business. Let that sink in. How much are YOU worth?
The same scam and fraud at it has been with Wire Card ?
It couldn't be anymore direct if it was named Mr. direct lee directenson
Leon Skum didn't hand the money directly to me.
Wait untill they have to deal with millions of Seniors who can't get help with social security or Medicare. All hell is going to break loose
Why are we not investigating everyone’s money?
Impressive 👊🏾
Too bad the show didn’t stop right there and made the focus on that for the rest of the show
Get the word out to everyone!
Share it on TikTok!!
More pushback on the right wing propagandists!
Signups @ and for protests info
Attend town hall meetings
Remember during his SOTU speech in 2011, when BO called on Congress to write legislation to overturn Citizens United v FEC ruling (2010), & Alito shook his head and mouthed the words, “no”?
He does not decide what the law is.
As an ex-Senator, BO knew that, & it’s why any talk of removing any civil servant via impeachment is just kabuki political theater.
Elon Musk almost totally funded that SuperPAC, so therefore YES, he DID
They are all working for THEMSELVES.
Son, [f]Elon Musk[rat] owns you, so put on the red light, cuz honey, you're gonna wear that dress tonight!
Organize locally NOW!
He defeated a very popular Democratic Congressman.
Or keep doing a "Chuck Schumer: waiting for the right time" until it's too late?
No dictator, ever, stood in front of the cameras holding a piece of paper ordering his slaves to dismantle education, ever!
Not China, not Russia.
Only the Divided Christian Nazi States of America.
And you people aren't doing anything about it.
He won't, because he is spineless and grandstanding because he has a teeny tiny ... margin.
There's a storm coming, Mike. When it hits, you’re gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.
This is exactly how it works.
The GOP are a fully owned subsidiary of the Billionaires, Bros and CEOs
And the Democrats need to have a hard look at who's more worried about their PACs than their values.
Overturn Citizens United !
Shorten the primary/election cycle to 90 days !
Majority rules in the electoral college (states agree to submit all electoral votes to the candidate who earns the most popular votes in the country)
Kind of like Musk bringing a pie to a party
Everyone gets a piece, but he does not directly give it to any single person
But you still ate a piece of the pie 😜
Jesus Lawler - grow a spine!
A: Not directly, middlemen were involved.
Not directly. He left money in an envelope with my name on it on my desk in my office, where I just happened to later discover it (or some other such BS).
And in the other corner we have Chuck Schumer, his sponsors include, Goldman Sachs, and Target."
They're stealing another election
A thread about Lawler and Musk.