Not really surprising, including the comparison between white educated men and women. Educated women are the backbone of a nation based on rational but also empathetic decisions. But a white man showing statistical data only refering to white people, something is missing in that picture.
I think some guys just never learned those social skills and have given up. I've seen studies citing social media and porn as contributing factors. Increasing numbers of guys have few or no friends. Many of those men also coincidentally voted for Trump.
Societal differences causes men to make different choices than women. Financial stress has been said to be worse for men than it is for women especially in more traditional parts of the country
Its like a feeling that I have but idk I kinda made an ass of myself trying to defend my stance in the replies. Maybe I am dead wrong but id rather not delete the post because I think a lot of interesting things were said and I seek dignity in shame
Yes and no, there are probably better options for male h.s. grads than women. Of course, women become tradespeople too, but for various reasons a lot of those fields are male-dominated.
As a white man with no college degree… Fuck MAGA, Fuck Trump, Fuck the Republicans, Fuck DOGE. The primary reason I don’t have a degree is when I was growing up my family was in the valley between too much and not enough money to get financial assistance. And my local school was too shitty to help
Yes the SAVE bill they have been preparing. The one that makes voting ineligible if your last name doesn’t match. This would affect women overtly if they have the husband’s last name. Won’t match birth certificate. Voter suppression is their expertise.
even white men with college degree and white women with collage degree … lolz shocker! i’d say men & women in general are not exactly seeing eye to eye these days lolz
Keep chipping away at the base. Higher prices, higher unemployment, a contracting economy, lower retirement accounts, fewer government services is bad for everyone.
One of the many reasons uneducated white men hate educated women. Their egos are a danger and threat to society. I love how they openly admit though that they can’t compete with women or people of color so have to support exclusion and discrimination (anti-DEI) 😂.
Some of it is the overemphasis of degree = $$, so if you're in a good trade, you might think "those suckers" or if you don't make much money you might be resentful. Conservatives are certainly happy to push those buttons!
I've never had imposter syndrome so bad as when I'm about to say Kornacki did his math wrong but the gap on the Democratic Party doesn't look right to me.
Too bad last November those groups voted lockstep en masse. If only those “college educated” people had read and believed the mountain of information which foretold this. We wouldn’t be in this position would we?
White man with no college degree here pointing out the math on the Democratic Party line is incorrect.
Also, I poll with Black women- the most politically savvy demographic in the US.
That’s cuz we who are educated know what a lying racist, misogynistic, bigoted bunch of motherfuckers the GOP & Trump are. Fuck uneducated people who live in their bullshit, shallow, closed-mind world. They are destroying a lot of good because of hate. P.S. also fuck all the dems who didn’t vote.
These are the times I'm thankful to have found one of the few White dudes without a college degree that isn't a shitbag in my area.
I'm a college dropout myself; I couldn't keep putting myself further in debt for nothing. I don't vote like the uneducated though. Because I have common fuckin sense 😜
And that's why the fascists around Turd love Stupid. They can simply feed them racism while they plunder them blind. Just find somebody preferably brown to point a finger at and all's good.
Have we ever?
Kidding aside, look at “college educated” vs “non” in both men and women and it’s clear why education is under attack by this Admin.
Also one of the reasons why the Right and Christian Nationalists want women to skip college and just get married/pop out babies as soon as they can. The Heritage Foundations’ recent directives want schools teaching girls the ‘value of fertility’ and discouraging higher education.
Small wonder that the Right wants to end no-fault divorce, kick women out of the workplace, and generally roll back womens' civil rights so they are dependent on marriage for living essentials. They've decided this is better than actually becoming men worthy of partners.
The MAGA crowd has managed to convince white, Christian men in this country, the population that has been in charge and at an advantage since, oh, 1619, that they are the victims of our society and oppressed. So the fact that white men w/o college degrees flock to them is not at all shocking.
Ironically, my college-educated wife works with a bunch of smart high-school grads. I encouraged her to deflect around some of them: " about this project"
College degrees are not necessary for ‘white men’ to be willfully ignorant. Give them a F-150, Confederate flag, and an assault rifle. Oh, and a red hat.
Any roving news teams going to start interviewing groups of college-educated women for a freaking change? Don’t their voice deserve to be heard over those from the rural diners in Mugwump, TN?
And white women without degrees prefer educated men. My son’s dating apps prove that. These ladies keep their red hats at home until about the third date. They know what’s up.
The Dems should be horrified by their line on this table and try doing something to change that. Looking at the rest, maybe get out in firm support of DEI, Ukraine, and Education instead of just gerontocracy and appeasing the fascists for a change?
Says this white man.
Those with College degrees were NOT VOTING for Donald Trump!
Critical thinking… perhaps? Ability to distinguish LIES from the truth! Ability to detect a CON and a SCAM!
Also, I poll with Black women- the most politically savvy demographic in the US.
I'm a college dropout myself; I couldn't keep putting myself further in debt for nothing. I don't vote like the uneducated though. Because I have common fuckin sense 😜
Kidding aside, look at “college educated” vs “non” in both men and women and it’s clear why education is under attack by this Admin.
And now we know exactly why he and the Rs want to destroy higher education.
Any roving news teams going to start interviewing groups of college-educated women for a freaking change? Don’t their voice deserve to be heard over those from the rural diners in Mugwump, TN?
But I also figured voters would support Harris.
Stop celebrating and voting for your oppressor!
Wave a 🏳️ we will help you.
Toxic masculinity culture➡️men vote for Trump
Note how MAGA promotes underfunding, no Civics, and that pathetic culture as policy.