🫣😆HILARIOUS… UPDATE: An “open to all” Kustoff (R) event in West Tennessee this weekend we posted about… is now suddenly members only and was “never meant to be public” 🤷🏻 🐔 https://dailymemphian.com/article/50652/kustoff-event-at-germantown-church-never-intended-for-public
Don’t get me started on how corrupt TN is.
When the "fear" is really nothing but concern about losing power, prestige, prominence, privilege and profit, then the motivation is not cowardice; it is AVARICE.
Lived many years in Memphis. Graduated from Memphis State in '81 and stayed 3 more years, but spent almost zero time in Germantown. Midtown and downtown person. Loved it.
Great state, great city. But Blackburn is an embarrassment.
Hope they manage to communicate fairly and respectfully so they can develop trust.
They could develop a list of questions (and their joint understanding of what answers they look for!) and agree on a small-group but zoomed meeting with Kustoff. No security issues there.
treason and an open season on human rights
tears at the fabric of our nation, and the tragic realization
is that future generations will pay ....the .... big....price!!!
I am still going. Hopefully the media will be there too!
Either way, with those ears, he will probably hear you if you just stand outside and talk loudly.
And to prove membership, they need to be wearing a special armband…..
Sounds like people should invite themselves outside to protest.
Republicons are cuckolds.
You represent
And they think we all have the memory of goldfish
And no internet
Like, yo, we have proof you're lying
And they just don't care
(Dont get me started on FT, i am a SUPER fan. I know every word....i speak English very well, i learned it from a book)
You are a hideous orangutan!