This is absolutely horrible, disgraceful and infuriating! There is NO integrity, qualifications OR leadership in the trump administration.💯 the “Alcoholic” drunk texting takes it to a WHOLE OTHER LEVEL!🤣😂🥃🍻📲🤣😂🍻🥃📵
Blunder. Me 1974 US Air Force Vietnam era Vet. As an NCO they would of put me under the brigg please. Someone needs to be fired.This cat Pete H needs to go and put in the brigg. This is what happens when you get rid of 4 S General QC Brown. (Blunders)
I keep saying it, but Reporters need to be clear in their future questions. “Now that it’s clear that these people violated the espionage act how do you plan on punishing them?” Don’t allow republicans try to spin this by asking what do you think or something soft.
Blunder. Me 1974 US Air Force Vietnam era Vet. As an NCO they would of put me under the brigg please. Someone needs to be fired.This cat Pete H needs to go and put in the brigg. This is what happens when you get rid of 4 S General QC Brown. (Blunders)
These doofuses have no concept of global security and how our support of smaller democracies around the world strengthens our own domestic and economic security.
Amateur hour.
The opinions of women matter. Damn it!!
Hillary tried to tell us. So did Kamala and Michelle. Many female journalists, some female politicians, and the many sexual assault victims warned us over and over again.
The opinions of women matter. They should be listened to and taken seriously.
If McDonalds or Coke accidently released the secret formula for Big Mac sauce or the formula for their Cola somebody is getting sacked. Not so much if they worked for trump.
Blunder. Me 1974 US Air Force Vietnam era Vet. As an NCO they would of put me under the brigg please. Someone needs to be fired.This cat Pete H needs to go and put in the brigg. This is what happens when you get rid of 4 S General QC Brown. (Blunders)
After all the disingenuous attacks on Hillary Clinton’s email server and the media’s obsession with that….if this doesn’t blow up in similar or even greater fashion, we have a broken media. The worst from her emails were lunch plans and now THIS may be treated with blithe disregard? NO!
Sadly, I find that to be a two-edged sword. We are alike minds here at Bluesky, and I love that for social media, but where do people actually shame and embarrass the idiots that are the Trump people, except for Twitter? They’re still there. I do miss telling them they’re idiots. Lol
Hegsteth, Waltz and Vance (and maybe others) should be FIRED by Trump ("You're FIRED!"). An incredible breach of national security by a bunch of amateurs that have been promoted well beyond their capability.
As serious as this is, I think the bigger issue ought to be asking why the administration is using disappearing messages on Signal at all? Is this an illegal attempt to circumvent transparency and record-keeping laws? Because that's what it seems like from here.
The saddest part of this is not many people are surprised. Trump did not care about when he stole classified documents and then not held to account. Thank you Merrick Garland.
This is so insane 😳 it just can't be true. Yet again, it is a clown act from a clown show. Should we have expected anything more? No! Lay down with dogs, you will get fleas, and Trump is A1 fleabagger!!
Signal-Yemen F-Up: it gets worse by the moment. Trump looked not only incompetent, not only like a complete buffoon, but he lies at every turn. The man simply cannot tell Americans the truth about ANYTHING.
There is no NCO or Officer in the US Military that would not have been aware that texting on a text chain on Signal was not secure. No one with any care about our military would ever, ever, have done what this leadership did.
[2/2] If you can, take family and / or friends and show up at their office. It's important to make our Democrat & Republican Senators & Representatives confront you, so they can't treat you like a faceless voter.
Prosecute them all: 18 U.S.C. § 793(f) makes it a federal crime for people entrusted with information related to the national defense to, with gross negligence, disclose it to others in violation of that trust.
It's not just that, the obvious reason they were on Signal in the first place is because the government's secure system is set up to keep records of what is said, and by whom, and who the information is divulged to.
This is closer to "treason" than simply "irresponsible."
"But her emails! But his laptop" and the orange turd is acting like he knows nothing because he probably doesn't. Immediately puts the magazine down, and of course no one's gonna take responsibility for this!
What upsets me the most is that our service men and women are daughters and sons and mothers and fathers. They compromised all of them, because we don't even know how often they are using public apps whether or not it's encrypted.
Whether he knows or not he is responsible, as he specifically chose these goons for his cabinet. And once he realized what went down he should get mad if he gave a damn.
He knew enough to tell them to go ahead with it. He probably doesn't even understand what Signal is! There is no presidential archive record of anything these people are doing!
He put the magazine down as a failing magazine. He didn't even know he looked like a deer in the headlights. I'm sure he knew about the bombing but just not the mechanics. He would rather go golfing.
I mean, you figure that fascists should at least maintain a highly professional sense of order- sure, people "disappear", but the trains should run on time, etc.! Very disillusioning to see zero upside wrt the destruction of the institutions of liberal democracy. Would not recommend. 0 stars.
Republican meritocracy and competence clearly means arrogant and dangerously brainless white guys getting away with compromising our national security.
Give them the same due process as the people had that were sent to El Salvador recently. They can be treated the same way too..chains handcuffs cold same planes, then El Salvador prison.
Someone suggested all communication is being done this way to avoid FOIA requests. The messages were set to vanish after a period of time. You know like on Facebook reels. The depth of knowledge shared by this administration wouldn't allow for a good nose pick.
At this rate, the military may put us out of our misery. How much more of this dangerous buffoonery - that puts military lives at risk - are they going to put up with before a military coup ooks like a good idea?
Why it's almost like the guy who wouldn't release his grades in college because his daddy paid his way through school isn't incompetent and hires incompetent people.
...and the bartender is John Kerry. The editor, the drunk, and the Pope look at each other and then look back at Kerry and say in unison, "Why the long face?"
Instead of dealing with the complete breakdown of USA security, Trump decided to get his fascist playbook out to deny any knowledge of it, then attack the journo who did the patriotic thing.
I would dearly have loved to see the look on Hillary’s face when she saw this the first time 😂. Honestly, the level of incompetence and hypocrisy would be hilarious if it wasn’t so serious. No, ok, it is f*cking hilarious 😂
This amateur hour type stuff is why I laugh at anyone who thinks government should be running like a business. Governing is a profession and requires expertise, knowledge, and maturity - all of which the current administration is sadly lacking....
Mistakes like this are why I defected from my Republican "Party First" family. Voting for Kamala Harris, Tim Walz was my favorite moment of American patriotism.
Also Fox: the texts show a great ability to work together. If you take anything away from this, it's what great and competent hands your government is in.
Denial and obfuscation are the main elements of their “plan”. “I didn’t know about it” said Trump, but his face says he knew. And Hegseth’s response was just hilarious - entirely psycho adolescent boy “I didn’t do it!” … but you did, boys. You did.
They're no doubt meeting (hopefully NOT on Signal or Zoom) to try and figure out a game plan that will pin the whole thing on Jeffrey Goldberg and make themselves out to be the innocent victims.
This is absolutely happening. They're going to claim he should have let them know sooner than when he did. This a win for the media that 47 and MAGA hate. Can't claim fake news on this one
Blunder. Me 1974 US Air Force Vietnam era Vet. As an NCO they would of put me under the brigg please. Someone needs to be fired.This cat Pete H needs to go and put in the brigg. This is what happens when you get rid of 4 S General QC Brown. (Blunders)
Thank you for your service and welcome home! I agree with you 💯. He should have the honor to step down on his own, however, when there is a criminal President, who surrounds himself with like minded people.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Ticket# 542245364
We will reboot tonight, and tomorrow this will never have happened.
But her emails, right?
#FuckTrump #FuckTheGOP
Amateur hour.
Hillary tried to tell us. So did Kamala and Michelle. Many female journalists, some female politicians, and the many sexual assault victims warned us over and over again.
The opinions of women matter. They should be listened to and taken seriously.
Jeff:Yes you did, it’s right here
Pete: Your a liar and a moron
Jeff:Seriously you sent it on the group message.
Pete: No I didn’t, you sent it.
Now imagine this being a true conversation and continuing for 45 minutes. This is exactly what I picture. Incompetence!!
Gonna be a Lot of These Forms passed around, too.
Hillary's emails
hers was the reply I've been waiting for. This is gold.
1. Contact your reps and make sure you encourage them to vote to remove and arrest Hegseth.
2. Stay focused. They're still coming for our Social Security.
"How to Plan an Office Visit":
This is closer to "treason" than simply "irresponsible."
And also, don't give them any ideas.
hope everybody is hungry, they will be making pretzels tonight.
Great summary of the people who were on the signal text chain and what they said about Hilary’s emails!!
Oh wait, he's a DUI hire. My bad.
"Democrats have their lowest approval ratings because of Joe Biden's failed border policies and everyone loves Donald J Drumpf."
-Karoline Leavitt
I listen to FOX TV's hosts say words and I'm at a loss to know where they aquire their information.
It's not reality based.
Attack and discredit the Media Source,using "so called" as a description.
Deny (Knowing there's actual proof if anyone has to testify under oath.)
Lastly, blatantly lie.
One member of the Cabinet actually 'invited' the Journalist.
That's a fact.
Not much
Lock them up!
Lock them up!