Did you know…
In the seventeenth century, it was quite proper to leave your Christmas decorations up until Candlemas Eve - February 1st - according to the poet Robert Herrick, at least.
So I hope you haven’t all been too hasty in taking them down.
In the seventeenth century, it was quite proper to leave your Christmas decorations up until Candlemas Eve - February 1st - according to the poet Robert Herrick, at least.
So I hope you haven’t all been too hasty in taking them down.
Then we learned it was because they were shooting In Bruges there and it was set at Xmas, it wasn't just them being lazy. 2 of the people we were with blagged roles as extras too.
* other half
Please tell me about yourself I will love to know you better
I'm happy to report it's entirely innocuous.
My Nanna used to hang mistletoe in her house at Christmas, so thanks for reminding me of a nice memory.
makes January a little less harsh
and we dont take them down until Feb 2nd: Cadlemas - Gromnica [Lá Fhéile Muire na gCoinneal in Ireland]
Don't go up until two weeks before Christmas.
This. And a tree. That's it