$2.3 trillion in cuts to Medicaid are on the table – and if they go through, millions of families will have their coverage ripped away, putting them one medical emergency away from crushing medical debt. We can’t afford these rushed cuts.
of the earth!
MAGA will be kept in their bubble.
They need to be calling the republicans they pay to prevent single payer from happening, and telling them to legislate on this.
We can't afford Elonazi.
We can't afford Orange Mussolini.
Legalized Murder brought to you from the Trump Cult .
Keep fighting!
Didn't Trump just save us $50M on condoms for Gaza????
#resist #protest repost everywhere please
If 12 million people strike and most people observe the picket line, it will cost those fuckers millions of dollars per day
Best to highlight the trumps, get everyone thinking the same way.
“Then he looked up at his disciples and said: ‘Blessed are you who are poor, for yours is the kingdom of God. Blessed are you who are hungry now, for you will be filled. Blessed are you who weep now, for you will laugh.’ “
These politicians signed their death warrant.
It will be a complete Healthcare bankruptcy..
little boys who’s mommies still make their beds
THEY are worthy recipients, NOT greedy takers.
The greedy takers are brown and poor and live over there…. They aren’t white and poor and HERE.
JD Vance needs a trouncing. He suckered these voters just like Trump did.