FRIDAY - MARCH 14, 2025
Mercury Goes into Retrograde
This occurs three or four times per year. Just often enough to blame the planet instead of yourself when things go wrong in your life.
Mercury Goes into Retrograde
This occurs three or four times per year. Just often enough to blame the planet instead of yourself when things go wrong in your life.
Seriously, just read that as "Freddie Mercury Goes into Retrograde"
Rightwing people are used to blame anything that goes wrong in their lives on somebody or something else. Never themselves.
Leftwing people start to have an introspective first: am I the one to blame for this? After that, they start to look to outside sources.
You know by next year, we may have mercury in our Gatorade. Lol
And the twister is Mercury does not 'actually' go backwards, it's just a perception - so there's that as well...
God speed
contender for the most average planet? maybe... too bored to study it in my free time; Black Holes are more interesting.