I am so so sorry, Amir. Joey Bear & I had some good times walking the streets of LA. He let me snuggle with him and massage his chin, ears, and tummy. He shed on me. He looked at me and told me everything would be okay when I was really stressed out. JB was a lover 💔 hugs to you and N.
So sorry for your loss. Letting go of a dear friend will always be painful. Hope there come a day where the hurt wears off enough so you can smile in rememberance of your wonderful time together.
I just went through this with the gorgeous boy who is my profile picture. He lived with me for half my life, moved with me to four different parts of the country, beating up horses 3X his size. He was 31. You think "if I can just get him past this crisis..." Until time runs out. RIP, JB & Trip.
I am so sorry for your loss. I lost my own dog years ago; I understand that grief. I know Joey knew just how much he was loved, and his memory will live on in those who cherish him and hold him close to their hearts. Sending love. 💔❤️
I'm sorry for your loss, Amir. My heart goes out to you and your wife, Nina. I know what it's like to lose your best friend and I want you to know that Joey is watching over you and Nina. He knows that he was loved by you, Nina and anyone who ever met him.
I’m so incredibly sorry for your loss. Losing a beloved pet is never easy, and my heart goes out to you. Wishing you comfort and peace as you remember the love and joy they brought into your life. ❤️
I lost my senior cat about two years ago and it felt like my soul was being torn apart. I can only imagine how you are feeling now as loss is so deeply personal, and I hope you are able to grieve in peace ❤️
I know how you feel dear Amir , their love was full of pure honest love, he lives in your mind and heart always , really so sorry for lost your best friend 💔💔💔😥😥
I had a dog Rikki and a little kitten Yuki and they were very attached to each other, they both lived for 15 years, Yuki suffered after Rikki and died after 7 days after him. I adored them and I really suffered, they were part of the family so sorry Amir for lost your angel 💔💔
Condolences I relate to the heartache of loosing a dog I had to say goodbye to my Labrador collie cross Cleo when she got cancer, still miss her terribly it’s not just their companionship you miss but their unique little characters that made them such a joy to be around 🥺💔
im so sorry to hear that. every photo showed a dog that was profoundly loved and who had infinite love for you both in return. you gave him a long happy life, you did everything you could for him, and i hope the knowledge of that eases the pain of missing him
Aww Im so sorry Amir. He was a true gift to the world and a very good boy. I will miss hearing very loud slurping in the dog bowl during livestreams. I'm sure him and Emily and playing fetch together in heaven. Maybe I'll make some fanart of that. My thoughts are with you today.
So sorry for your loss :( I know there's little that can be said during this time, especially by a stranger on the internet, but I'm sending lots of love and hoping there's some peace even through the grief ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
I know no amount of “sorry”s change the pain, and still, my condolences. There’s not a doubt in my mind that Joey knew and knows just how loved he is. Sending my compassion and first-hand understanding of this pain 💜
im so sorry for your loss 💝🫂 losing best friends are always the toughest battles to face, but they were surrounded by so much love till the end, feeling happy and cared for 💕
I am so very sorry to hear this Amir 😔 JB lived a good long life. He was so deeply loved by you and Nina, and will be missed dearly. Sending you lots of love and kind thoughts. I am hoping he is at peace over the rainbow bridge 🌈🐾
Oh my goodness💔💔... I'm so sorry for your loss. My deepest condolences to you and Nina 🫂💕💕 Please take all the time you need, sending tons of love and hugs to you🫂🫂❤️❤️
Nooooo! I’m so sorry for your loss.
You did the best by him and in the end that’s all anyone can do.
Run free across that Rainbow Bridge, Joey Bear. I like to think Betty White, Steve Irwin, and my mom like to hang out over there, spoiling the critters on the other side. 💔❤️🩹
God damn it! I am sorry to hear about you're best bud passing Amir. He seemed like a good boy who had a big heart to love. You have my sympathy and condolences for you're loss.
So sorry to hear this. I know it doesn’t help the grief right now, but please always remember that he knew only love in his life from you and Nina—what a beautiful gift to give another living being!
I’m so sorry Amir, you have my deepest condolences. Joey Bear knew how much he was truly loved even until the end at his time. You gave him such a beautiful life, I know he’ll be watching over you and Nina from over the rainbow bridge. 💕 please take the time you need, we are here and understand.
I’m so sorry for your loss Amir, you and Nina gave him a wonderful life. I’m sure he knew how much you both loved him, sending my condolences and support to you both. ❤️
oh my god. i'm so, so incredibly sorry for your loss, amir. please take care of yourself during this time, you are so loved and supported, your wellbeing as well as nina's is a priority. please be well. we love you. 🫂❤️🩹
i’m so sorry for your loss. he was a great dog and i know he will be watching over you and nina, he loved you both greatly and will be missed. take time to heal, we’ll all be here for you. but i’m so sorry amir, you don’t deserve this. i know you did what you could, and i’m sorry it ended this way.
Oh no! I'm so sorry, Amir. I'm gonna give you an extra big hug at GalaxyCon Richmond in a couple of weeks. I lost my cat, Jack, back in November, and my sister lost her dog, also named Joey, in December. I feel your pain personally and I am so sorry. 😞 Sending you healing vibes and love.
It’s never easy losing a member of the family—human or pet.
I know all too well how it feels to lose a pet. Please take as much time as you need.
You gave him a great and beautiful life❤️
My condolences for your loss
I'm js seein this
I'm srry-
Take your time, we’re here for you whenever you’re ready 💜 Joey Bear is at peace now, and he got to live a good life filled with great love 💜💜💜
You did the best by him and in the end that’s all anyone can do.
Run free across that Rainbow Bridge, Joey Bear. I like to think Betty White, Steve Irwin, and my mom like to hang out over there, spoiling the critters on the other side. 💔❤️🩹
I hope you and your family are okay, at the very least Joey Bear is at peace now 🫂
Every dog parent thinks that they have the best dog, and every dog parent is right.