Turned 43 last week. It’s fine, I guess. 2 kids (1 bio, 1 step) on my 2nd marriage. Good career and a nice house (thanks in laws!)
Don’t know how I’m going to pay for college (3 1/2 years away). Can’t ever move (got that good 2021 interest rate). In some ways I feel ahead, in some I feel behind
Pretty rough! Wishing I could go back in time but, if that were a thing Trump & the rest of Oligarchs would destroy the universe as well. We can't allow Democracy(America) to die or our Universe die!!! FIGHT FACISM & OLIGARCHY!!!
'86 here and I'm pretty sure I found my first before 30. I'm not going to tell you how you should feel about it, that's up to you. But I will tell you that most other people don't study your hair as closely as you yourself do. Depending on the distribution, for a long time it can just look shinier.
Well, I trust I'm at least in good company (most of the time) then 😆
But no - just several years of coming to terms with it myself. For a slightly different perspective, my mom preferred to dye her hair until every single root was grey. She doesn't mind grey, she just hated the mix.
In 1970, when I was 10, my father prognosticated on value of Zero Population Growth.
Dad was just an average Canadian 🧪 out of McMasterUni who AmericanBrass wooed to relocate/immigrate to Conn.
Took ZeroPop to heart, therefore child No. 3, does not exist.
Now? I would adopt pet and,choose career.👠
My truth is I know*not everyone* should have kids
Mum only had 2👶she said it nearly killed her, told me she regretted my sib's birth, her2nd pregnancy was under duress😕 my Mums dob is 1927, an orphan turned into a feminist by the time I came into the🖼️. ReproductiveFreedom's is still a goal.
Because I can say when it came to time for me to be fertile, I had to fight back pregnancy the entire time!
The truth of Womanhood is if you don't prevent pregnancy, it will happen, even just one time! birds 🐦 🐝bees
Both societal and personal coercion play a part when pregnancy happens or doesn't.
I got pregnant the first time at 23 after fighting back pregnancy since 16.
I thought I should take a break from the Pill like ye olde PlannedParenthood had advised.
Got preg immediately in SanSimeon in a cove,
so that child knows the story of their conception.👶 But! 2nd dad failed consent,o dad's
When we discuss birthing children, we need to discuss the circumstances of conception is the point that I'm trying to make!
My second child was non-consensual and, so was my third.
I dare you to ask your parents, if surviving, about circumstances of your conception (not the actual birth).
xx mum🐝
My brain forces me to disassociate to the point where it has been a crippling issue in my life and this is pretty much how it is every time I become mentally present again for a few moments.
(Artax DOES get a happy ending as long as you don’t ask questions like whether the horse remembers dying and has horse-ptsd, or if it has horse-amnesia-to-the-fact which can be distressing in a different way if he doesn’t have a good trauma-informed horse therapist…)
1980 here. Life sucks. And now it's going to get a little better bc I'm about to watch this movie again for the 1000th time and enjoy it as much as the 1st time. masterpiece.
It’s one of the stranger microgenerations TBH
Don’t know how I’m going to pay for college (3 1/2 years away). Can’t ever move (got that good 2021 interest rate). In some ways I feel ahead, in some I feel behind
It’s like the financial equivalent of being a male porn star with erectile dysfunction 😂
But no - just several years of coming to terms with it myself. For a slightly different perspective, my mom preferred to dye her hair until every single root was grey. She doesn't mind grey, she just hated the mix.
it was overly optimistic
Dad was just an average Canadian 🧪 out of McMasterUni who AmericanBrass wooed to relocate/immigrate to Conn.
Took ZeroPop to heart, therefore child No. 3, does not exist.
Now? I would adopt pet and,choose career.👠
Mum only had 2👶she said it nearly killed her, told me she regretted my sib's birth, her2nd pregnancy was under duress😕 my Mums dob is 1927, an orphan turned into a feminist by the time I came into the🖼️. ReproductiveFreedom's is still a goal.
The truth of Womanhood is if you don't prevent pregnancy, it will happen, even just one time! birds 🐦 🐝bees
Both societal and personal coercion play a part when pregnancy happens or doesn't.
I thought I should take a break from the Pill like ye olde PlannedParenthood had advised.
Got preg immediately in SanSimeon in a cove,
so that child knows the story of their conception.👶 But! 2nd dad failed consent,o dad's
My second child was non-consensual and, so was my third.
I dare you to ask your parents, if surviving, about circumstances of your conception (not the actual birth).
xx mum🐝
Right guys
I promise...
As yoooooouuuuuu wiiiiisssshhhhhhhh!!!!