I wonder if I still have mine that went with my VCS. I hated it so much back in the day that I instead got a 75-300 ohm balun, and used an F-type to RCA adapter to wire the VCS straight into the TV, and used an RF A/B switch box. It worked better than that switcher did. The memories.
Ma'am you old lol.
You'd get this from radio shack for $15. You had to get the $25 dollar one that let you connect the VCR and console at the same time.
Older brother, older sis, and I shared a big booty TV. My brother and I useta get down on the Atari, but my sis (the oldest of us) liked to watch her shows, and we would have conflicts. One day, she hid the adapter, and my brother and I couldn't find it for a week.
Kids today raised on dedicated hdmi connections will never understand using one of those and changing the channel to 3 to play video games with 8 bit graphics. 😂
I loved the TRS-80. Had some cool games. Though the Apple IIe computers in my school messed me up. Like why can I do it on computer and not mine at home🤭🤭
I feel that! Not meaning to crap on the TRS-80 as it was magic at the time. However I believe the Commodore Amiga was the first GUI a few years later and that was pretty impressive. Can you imagine the kids today dealing with DOS?
I remember my brother used this for his Atari he would let me play now and then when I was very little. I grew up on Nintendo and had to battle with getting the antenna input in just right and trying to turn it to tighten it without it falling off lol
My friends
Know whats in store
I won’t be here (on X) …anymore
Ive packed my bags
I’ve cleaned the floor
Watch me walkin
Walkin out the door
You'd get this from radio shack for $15. You had to get the $25 dollar one that let you connect the VCR and console at the same time.
Misty water-colored memories
Of the way we were.
"Next, next, next ... next."