🛑 This is an imitation of grandiose activity.
🛑 Everyone understands that Trump has a final term.
📌 He is fulfilling a promise to his sponsors and the Republican Party - to change the system of government so that only certain oligarchs and Republicans can hold on to power for as long as possible.
#Europe plans to not rely anymore on US weapon industry. European supermarkets start labeling US-made products so boycotting them will be easier. European consumers refuse to buy US made cars and are canceling Amazon accounts. Are you Great Again America?
#MakeEuropeGreatAgain #MEGA
Trump is a failed experiment as a president, businessman, father, criminal, golfer, and human being. Finding anything redeemable in those failures says more about you than Donnie.
Your oppression is their profession.
Thank goodness, I liquidated every stock I owned when he took office.
Sitting in all cash. Should've shorted Tesla when he did the Nazi salute and brought into Europe.
Get the wealth out of Musk so that he is no longer the richest person in the world.
The same goes for the USA, so that it is no longer the most powerful nation in the world.
Love it. The sooner Canada and Mexico can extricate themselves from you arrogant psychopaths the better. We can and will build a better world without the hatred, violence, racism, misogyny and hypocrisy that America promotes.
The law of unintended consequences - I hope Trumps crazy actions unite his allies in finding new ways to make the US irrelevant - whether it’s in the defence domain or the trade and commercial field
It just depends on the courts they’d be prosecuted in —they are in Texas so it’s a crap shoot. You are completely right that a fair court would find musk and the board in violation. Fiduciary duty is nothing to muck with, or you have to pay everything they lost…which would be a lot. It’s a big deal
I mean they do in reality but they don't give a shit . That specific board works for Elon Musk and nobody else. Is that probably violating the law ? Yes. Does it matter ? No because they don't care and nobody is going to win in court against them under this admin
Nice wording. Law does not apply to certain people. Merrick garland has taken 4 years to do something to J6 instigators...
That train departed long ago
Das sieht extrem professionell aus. So für Menschen, die nicht technikaffin sind: Sollte man da etwas hören oder nicht? Ist Dein Mikro oder mein Lautsprecher kaputt? Oder soll das so? 😬
Ich würde es jetzt nicht so ausdrücken ... aber wir wissen ja alle, was für schlimme Sachen passieren, wenn Ingenieur*innen sich nicht auf das Bauen von Brücken konzentrieren ... . ;)
Ist halt ein spannendes Thema: Die liberale Demokratie verhält sich wirtschaftlich gesehen vermutlich zum ...
... Libertarismus, wie die Sozialdemokratie zum Kommunismus. Die "abgemilderten" Ausprägungen sind wirtschaftlich deutlich erfolgreicher. An beiden Enden des Spektrums finden sich ähnliche Probleme: Technokratie, die Unfähigkeit, dezentrale Entscheidungen zu verstehen, Anreizprobleme ... .
He’s just so fukin stupid that anything he does only helps another country. Be it Canada, Europe, China and especially Russia. Make America irrelevant should be printed on those stupid red caps. 😂🤡🖕
By the way, much defense innovation will come from AI development, so it’s not money that’s completely “wasted” on bombs sitting in warehouses. There are definitely lots of economic/civilian benefits to be derived here IMHO
US markets, particularly Mag7 massively = heavily overvalued. People are waking up to the LLM AI scam - $TSLA's share price has to be the subject of extreme inflows of questionable money - who would be buying a stock at 150x 2025 earnings with sales volumes collapsing and a destroyed brand?
Hard to imagine anyone would be able to prop up a stock like this. You'd need really lots of money, carte blanche to waste it, no transparency, no accountability. The only candidates that come to mind would be the huge Gulf State sovereign wealth funds.
- Herd idiocy: There are lots of investors who only know a market that always goes up, mean reversion to where it was. Tons of hype around Musk.
- A rational speculation that the endgame is rent-seeking on a gigantic scale, direct access to government money.
Possible simpler explanation - foreign gov'ts with access to vast amount of corrupt money are feeding this through retail / companies to preserve power of a man who has the levers of control of the US in his hands.
Runs into the common problem with conspiracy theories (not meant as a judgment, but you have to asume a gigantic conspiracy here): you have to coordinate so many people that it is practically impossible to cover all your tracks. Tend to reject it apriori if I see no such traces.
I understand your intuition. I watch the stock slide for fun and have a minimal amount in put options as a warrant, more like punting. And it seems so absurd that there are these sharp reversals for no understandable reason. But then a market are different opinions, not only mine.
We know Musk lies a lot. We know he has had middle eastern cash before. We know he's tight with Putin & the CCP. We know Kremlin has invested in Facebook and possibly twitter. We know retail can't be propping now. We know institutions know the fundamental from sales figures...
Silently buying up the stock and having Musk on a leash with the threat of a hostile takeover. But hard to imagine you would have no traces. In principle possible, but I tend to avoid such explanations. Multiples of 150 or so are not unusual in a bubble, all the time and worse during dot-com.
If investors--and that might be a herd of naive small-time investors--are used to that, and they have been for a long time with Tesla, they only see the "dip" where they just have to buy. You can rationalize it with: Amazon did not make money for a long time, but eventually they did.
Institutional investors know the terrible fundamentals. They aren't buying the dip. How much free cash do US retail investors have - I thought everyone was saying they couldn't afford eggs? It doesn't stack up - more now than ever....
the multiple is over 3x NVIDIA for far lower growth & terrible prospects. My money is 100% on dodgy foreign money propping this - Musk is useful to Putin & CCP & MBS and Musk needs to remain wealthy to be useful to Trump.
Such wonderful irony. Most satisfying headline I have seen in weeks. Thank you Mr President for galvanising Europe and hopefully reigniting sustained economic growth and reinforcing European unity. You truly are MEGA!
Governments spending energizes the economy, more people work, they spend money, they build new businesses, promotes innovation, pay taxes for better infrastructure. Yes, it does require controls because there are always the greedy ones who want more than they need.
Of course, we still stand on Ukraines side it’s part of Europe and anyone who doesn’t help is not worth supporting, so Go Germany, Go France, Go Sweden…we invest our money there now 😋
Sold Lockheed Martin and Tesla, and buying FINSERV Global Security Fund instead. Cant afford to have everything in the US now when they have Putin running their country.
And that means?
Dax is heavy industry driven and that industry stalled because of price gas and lack of competition after nordstream blowup.
Now relies on public money to be spent on weapons.
Is as fake as SP500 living on technofeudal overlords.
moved all of my assets into European funds and emerging markets (and some bonds) back in January. suspect American equities will increasingly underperform unless there is a significant policy shift (and some effects are probably unavoidable at this point).
This will have a long lasting effect. Defense Business lost in Europe won’t come back after Trump is gone. This will hurt US defense capabilities for decades. Putin is happy.
As Europe re-arms its money will be spent on European infrastructure, its defence industry and weapons. The American defence industry will be the losers. Another Trump benefit.
I think many countries will be looking at big ticket items from the US - airliners, fighter jets etc, and choosing European options. Lockheed Martin and Boeing will be in trouble.
My last flights have been, six on Airbus, one on Embraer. Comfortable, well laid out and a pleasure to fly on. Moving forward I’ll be avoiding shitty Boeing death tubes whenever possible. It will be a factor in what flights I choose.
When Lockheed- Martin and Boeing and Raytheon start hurting, their reps in Congress will get an earful, to stand up to Trump. Maybe Congress will find their balls.
Saab would be smiling if they hadn’t installed key American parts.
Engines are US built allowing the US to block sales (& have for Columbia)& stop providing spares and maintenance on a whim.
I’m guessing the swedes are trying to shoehorn in some different engines into their Gripens as we speak🙄
Engines built in Sweden at GKN Trollhättan, (formally Volvo Flygmotor) under licence from GE and using many American parts.
It does cut both ways though, the T-7 engine is derived from the RM12 and depends on Swedish licences and parts.
I had been told the Gripen engines were built in the US. Seems like you are both partially right but it’s definitely not currently an “America free” option and the US already blocked exports to Columbia.
There goes that #Felon47Loser losing again. What's new. I seem to remember him saying something about getting tired of winning all the time. I can't say that even his brainwashed cult followers can claim that
🛑 Everyone understands that Trump has a final term.
📌 He is fulfilling a promise to his sponsors and the Republican Party - to change the system of government so that only certain oligarchs and Republicans can hold on to power for as long as possible.
#MakeEuropeGreatAgain #MEGA
Your oppression is their profession.
Thank goodness, I liquidated every stock I owned when he took office.
Sitting in all cash. Should've shorted Tesla when he did the Nazi salute and brought into Europe.
Oh well. Can't win them all.
#MAGA war gestern!
#MEGA ist jetzt!
Danke #Trump!
The same goes for the USA, so that it is no longer the most powerful nation in the world.
#Musk #Tesla #S&P500 #DAX #MakeEuropeGreatAgain
That is the reality, built on over a hundred years of laws.
Even Ted Cruz demands boards go back to “seeking profit” as the main driver.
'That is the reality, built on over a hundred years of laws.'
That train departed long ago
Ist halt ein spannendes Thema: Die liberale Demokratie verhält sich wirtschaftlich gesehen vermutlich zum ...
- Herd idiocy: There are lots of investors who only know a market that always goes up, mean reversion to where it was. Tons of hype around Musk.
- A rational speculation that the endgame is rent-seeking on a gigantic scale, direct access to government money.
With a little support from Crooked Cathie @ ARK at the margin
I’m stealing that 👍
So let’s go with MEGA.
Make Europe Great Again vs. Make Elon Go Away…
Get off Twitter.
* Attend your district office and DEMAND answers from your representative!✊️
*SPEAK UP - Even if your voice shakes📢
*Boycott: Target, Twitter, Amazon and META.
*Support: Costco, Ben & Jerry's and your local shops.
Dax is heavy industry driven and that industry stalled because of price gas and lack of competition after nordstream blowup.
Now relies on public money to be spent on weapons.
Is as fake as SP500 living on technofeudal overlords.
Even the agriculture sector will be priced out.
The dollar is strong for this very weak man.
Engines are US built allowing the US to block sales (& have for Columbia)& stop providing spares and maintenance on a whim.
I’m guessing the swedes are trying to shoehorn in some different engines into their Gripens as we speak🙄
It does cut both ways though, the T-7 engine is derived from the RM12 and depends on Swedish licences and parts.