Fuck you Democrats for being too timid to play hardball. If this were Mitch McConnell, he would have used every ploy and play to fuck our shit up. Now it’s almost fucking too late. Goddamn you fucking weak willed people. Use whatever tools. Be prepared go to jail.
We need massive protests.
Is America worth fighting for or not? Every person who wore a military uniform thought it was.
That's it. That's my rant. You can go back to your useless MAGA whining now.
The fallback is the courts, which are probably still intact (with a few high profile exceptions)
So it takes a minute for the D leadership to react to what is truly unprecedented, and hard to really imagine has happened here in the US.
Yes there were voices of warning, but it’s hard to fully internalize something we live deeply (the US) could be this flawed.
I hope you vote for them for many reasons (climate, justice, prosperity, etc). Being anti-facsist is a great reason for sure.
Agree swifter+stronger the reaction the better.
Not sure what the alternative is besides lining with folks like Murphy.
Who BTW were not leaders with significant national political backing.