"it would be sooooo funny if other fast food chains posted about how they don't snitch lol" okay but they all do, you know that right, they absolutely call the cops on a homeless or handsome or a homeless handsome guy at Arby's just as fast as they do it at Burger King as they do it at Wendy's as th
we don't need to constantly be turning thought provoking recent events into "the hot meme" and personally it's gotten exhausting seeing that happen over and over and over again. online people don't ever take shit seriously anymore tbh
Under communism, all the one brand, The Thing The Thing Is Clearly And Plainly, like for example BLUE SOAP and FROZEN GREEN BEANS will be good and morally pure
Not normal for a society, despite the last few hundreds of years!
That ended my love affair with academia... If I'd been wiser, I would've sued the living hell out of them, but I was never wise. :(
This county is, to put it so mildly that it feels criminal, not balanced
However there's always a chance that the plug is working directly for the cops, too, just like elementary school teachers