"Does the law allow us to eradicate queer and trans people?" is the question, really. "Conversion Therapy" has an end goal of us no longer existing. It's a form of genocide.
On top of defending an abhorrent practice, it's wild that the counselor is essentially arguing their profession is just talking between folks rather than legitimate medical treatment. Although, if they're into conversion therapy, they're used to doing medicine a disservice at this point.
If they’re arguing that, I would turn around and sue every single one of them who refers kids to “conversion facilities” for false imprisonment. If they are not bound by the guidelines agreed to by the rest of people practicing therapy, they should also not have the same legal shields.
i can say from experience that it doesn’t even work! Weird how queerness can’t be cured with anything up to and including abuse and torture but heterosexuality is so delicate and fragile that it can’t be exposed to even a light breeze of implied queerness without shattering into a billion pieces 🤷♀️
The expansion of free speech to mean shit it obviously does mean again. This is such a dangerous precedent. They argue the same thing when saying teachers should be able to deadname, misgender, and out students. Free speech means you have the right say what you will in the context of being...
...a citizen or immigrant subject to US laws. It doesn't mean you get to say whatever you want in the context of your employment. Taken to its conclusion, this would mean teachers don't have to teach curriculum they disagree with, like creationist science teachers could refuse to teach evolution.
Any "therapist" who is willing to provide these services should have their license revoked. They should be shamed in the public square for their willingness to torture children. I am embarrassed to know that some of these people share the profession I love and value so much.
I'm so serious!!! ABA defenders never seem to notice how it's the absolute worst people in the world, private equity, behind the explosion of minimum wage workers touching a little autistic kid's face for 40 hours every fucking week for years on end
It's like such a mystery to science that so many queer & trans people are also autistic but it is not a mystery to us as to why they want to torture our children for money!
Has the same vibe as the "state's rights!" civil war arguments. Like. A state's right to do what, exactly?The speech rights of counselors to do what. Torture people? Jesus fucking Christ
As a former journo, love the 1st Amendment but that stretches all ethical, legal, and moral crudity.
Nationalists invoke the 1st, but seldom understand what it really is and protects.
If only we had a system of check and balances that limited the power of the presidency… wonder why we don’t?
Oh right, a weak “opposition” party, stacked courts, and a fascist majority.
The gaslighting I got as a disabled and chronically ill child didn't cure me. Just gave me lifelong truama.
Listen to children. Especially if you're a parent or educator.
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seems like if a gender dichotomy was natural it would be easier to institute.
Although even when they try to paint it in a positive light they describe it as basically dog training so yikes.
What is wrong with people. They'd lose their mind if a counselor was trying to get them to admit they were gay or trans if that weren't the case.
Manipulation by a mental health provider is a slippery slope.