Just a note on the Toronto plane crash. The weather is absolute shit there right now. There's almost certainly no connection to the political nonsense happening. Especially since this is in Canadian airspace.
(in this case...in 4 months time...that's a different story.)
(in this case...in 4 months time...that's a different story.)
Likely a combination of factors - ice, sudden wind gust, possible flap malfunction - lots of investigating to do
Hourly wind gusts around 2:00pm were 65km/hr: https://toronto.weatherstats.ca/charts/wind-hourly.html
I live in a condominium about 10km from Pearson Airport and the wind was absolutely whipsawing around my building 😬
But also, incredibly lucky.
THEY SAFELY LANDED A PLANE UPSIDE DOWN WITH NO CASUALTIES, fuselage intact, no fires, still on airport tarmac. This is the exact polar opposite of incompetence. This is miracle on the Hudson.