And that would be what, exactly? Indiana does not practice exile or outlawing.
I have refrained from purchasing his products; I have abandoned his social media platform. A regrettable as he is, he remains a free citizen, who can travel wherever he likes.
And remember, kids, when you criticize a bad guy, the person who overtly or covertly encourages violence against them is *not* your friend. Nope, you've found the Fed!
For example, Seeger Brown, here. Go check his account: he's trying to stir stuff up, and it's always "Let's you and him fight."
The screenshot shows it "landed", but that its altitude is 4275'.
Indianapolis is under 1000' - the plane was on approach to one of the airports in Indianapolis. My money's on Indy Regional (MQJ).
As someone who spent an unfortunate amount of time in Indiana, and I left because there wasn’t anything there for me, I have to ask… what the fuck is in Indiana for Elon Musk?
He has never cared about the environment. He only got into electric cars because he knew people who actually care about the environment would pay a premium.
I have refrained from purchasing his products; I have abandoned his social media platform. A regrettable as he is, he remains a free citizen, who can travel wherever he likes.
For example, Seeger Brown, here. Go check his account: he's trying to stir stuff up, and it's always "Let's you and him fight."
Indianapolis is under 1000' - the plane was on approach to one of the airports in Indianapolis. My money's on Indy Regional (MQJ).
~ 850 gallons (3,219 liters).
~ 5,699 lbs (2,585 kg) of jet fuel used.
~ $4,762 cost of fuel.
~ 9 tons of CO2 emissions.