Antivaxxers bringing back measles is a reason to worry about way more than just measles
Reposted from
Mary Gillis
For decades, scientists couldn't figure out why the measles vaccine didn't just lower death rates from measles, but from other diseases too. Now we know it's because measles causes immune amnesia. Measles resets the immune system. It forgets how to fight every single pathogen it's ever encountered.
“ the virus somehow.. “
“ Hi Betty listen just to let you know my kids have the measles”
“ So sorry Phyllis
Ok if I send my kids by just to get this over with?”
honey this isn't just a political disagreement anymore i dont want the plague
Looking back, I wonder if it was gallows humor & I was too young to understand.
Thanks so much for sharing this article. Wow.
That's not measles.
If you as a practitioner do not acknowledge the patients concerns of LC it can cause other problems.
They cited Lyme Disease.
Many were ignored.
Mental problems cause physical problems.
Have you not noticed how many infections are *rampant* right now?
It was just one of many bullshit talking points they trotted out to justify a lack of pandemic protections.
Her sense of taste/smell is still effected, that's long-term brain damage
as you well know, w/any science there's ofc multiple views +those who question others' conclusions.
however, i will go so far as to say the idea only severe c19 has been linked to immune impact, simply=untrue
This was the early 80's so not sure if I unvaxxed or if I just got unlucky and the virus got past the vaccine protection.
also had shingles at 23, but that was due to work stress
But yes measles resets your immune system so it probably reset your immunity to chicken pox, leaving you vulnerable again.
It is possible to get your titers checked after vaccination, to see if your body responded appropriately.