Borzoi are masters at being dramatic all the time and about everything - he has already discovered he can manipulate me into holding his chews by nudging sadly at them and then melting bonelessly with the most pathetic sighs
Solidarity! I am also nursing a sad, coned dog (he had surgery on his butt on Friday). He now plods through the house taking no care about dragging the cone on any- and everything.
Our vet doesn't, this one wouldn't be super effective if he needed to not use his nose/nibble things but thankfully it's just got to keep his paws out of his eyes for a week or so.
Bogue quickly adapted from The World's Saddest Cone Creature to unlocking new secret levels of terrorizing her brother. hopefully Cyr will too (sorry Bodhi)
So far Cyr is just a boneless mope most of the time with it on, but I'm sure he will soon learn he can cone smash the retriever and have great fun with it
I hope he feels better soon!
(Also, your dog's nooooose! *boop*)
All of the healing vibes to him 💚💚💚