This is unhinged. If your grandpa said he had two imaginary friends and then told you their very detailed, fictitious backgrounds you would be taking him to a neurologist stat.
I just put them in **fiction manuscripts** where they belong. Maybe Schumer should have been an author; that his peers could drill holes in how piss-poor his imaginary friends are as stand-ins for the rest of the US.
Like if you have imaginary friends that's fine but you shouldn't be conferring with your whimsical brain sprites on things like national security and finances. And you def should not put that in a non-fiction book!
Was there no one around to say hey this sounds bizarre and weird so maybe don't? It makes him sound detached from reality. There are plenty of real people with real problems he can talk to.
He needs real friends tbh. WTF. An imaginary friend is a piece of your own consciousness. They don't vote and they can't tell you what other ppl think or feel.
What gets me about Chuck Schumer's Middle Class Tulpas is that they explicitly have no ideology but America and Sports. Their only policy is taxes. They're fucking republicans.
... I didn't *need* another reason for wanting Schumer to retire, but I think, "he bases policy decisions on the advice of his imaginary friends" should really seal the deal.
Like, if this came out about Trump, Republicans might have actually invoked the 25th Amendment.
Also besides that no legit hockey fan cares about the Islanders lmao, they're literally *only* a Long Island fan base unlike every other sports team ever
I just put them in **fiction manuscripts** where they belong. Maybe Schumer should have been an author; that his peers could drill holes in how piss-poor his imaginary friends are as stand-ins for the rest of the US.
No they don't. You're just saying that.
Like, if this came out about Trump, Republicans might have actually invoked the 25th Amendment.
Right. Sure. Why not.
Talking to the voices in your head is always better than listening to actual people.
As someone who lived on Long Island for too long of a time, holy fuck does that island need a complete overhaul
Is terrorism still high on the concern list of Long Islanders? Not like... Democracy or not dying of a new plague or becoming homeless?
Sounds like these people in his head might be slightly out of touch. Weird.