i like how everyone in trump world is telling us we “need” to go through some economic pain without telling us why or for how long or what the payoff is supposed to be


No one saying this will experience any pain unless we inflict it upon them. The Canadians 🇨🇦 are showing us how to do it: Elbows 💪 up, gloves 🥊off!
Trump’s Billionaires are not included in the pain.

They’re protected.
Oh don't be ridiculous. Making America Great Again has no timeline. We'll know when we're there.

PSA: This is snark, by the way.
Several months of post-covid economic pain in 2022 was exploited to call Biden’s economy and legacy “disastrous.” Now self-inflicted, pointless pain will be justified by those same folks…somehow.
I've been thinking a lot about how this is tied to their evangelicalism. The idea that God will cause you suffering and you won't always know why, but it's important to submit to him and trust because ultimately it's for your own good. They are carrying this over to Trump.
Andrew the answer to your "why" is right in front of your face. It's obviously "America, freedom, flag emoji, drain the swamp, great awakening, critical thinking, do your own research."

Come on.
Of course Democrats won’t message “grandpa doesn’t care if you suffer, WE care”

It’s NOT complicated.
Not all MAGAts have the savings to endure economic hardships.
Magats aren’t going to put up w actual hardships. NFW.

When they say "we", they don't mean them. They mean the middle-class and those in need. Are we allowed to call people poor? Or did that become part of the far left woke crap?
It's who is 'we' that is fascinating.

Billionaires must have fewer houses, jets and planes, for example?
The wealthy won’t suffer. Only the poor and middle class.
Sitting in the dentist chair you ask “will this hurt?” and the the dentist replies, “won’t hurt me at all”.

I’m also guessing that the hurt will conveniently last four years .
I should say the grift will only last four years.
and the “pain” will be borne mostly by their own voters.
There is no “we” - the tech bro oligarchs are raking it in. His billionaire cabinet is waiting for their big tax cut. Trump raked it in w/his meme coin scam. Who knows what scam he will run if he requires the U.S. to out our tax dollars into crypto?
Economic pain + rampant scapegoating = ???
And it’s only us that’s going to feel that pain

DOGE will keep Elon and Trump warm at night
All while cashing in on insider trading from the incoherent proclamations from Manbaby
You’re gonna win so much, you’ll get sick of winning! (Not financially or in terms of your quality of life. But all five trans high school athletes nationwide have been dealt with! That doesn’t mean you can stop living in fear of them)
Why? Because Trump knows best.

How long? As long as Trump knows best.

What's the payoff? A better world, thanks to Trump knowing best.

How do we know Trump knows best? Trump told us he does. He wrote it in the good book. Have you read it yet? It has the answers to everything in your life.
Fear of survival and external enemies are the menu of every successful dictator.
Because the payoff is rich people pulling further ahead. And saying that is obviously off the table.
So that they can steal all our money!
How about Trump World go through the pain and tell us how it is?
There has to be some form of punishment.
The payoff being everyone too starved to oppose him
Daddy has to punish you for being bad, but I don’t tell you why or when I’ll stop.
I know logic isn't their strong suit, but...
If things need to GET bad, then doesn't that mean they currently AREN'T bad?
We had that with Brexit too.
But look how great — oh.
Many similarities. The payoff is racism.
And a smiling Vladimir Putin
Underwear Gnomes strike again!
The why is to reinstitute segregation by reasserting an economic hierarchy that privileges white men (more so than it already does). The how long is "forever." Finally, the payoff is that if you're rich and white, you get to be even more rich.
I like how they call a depression 'economic pain'.
Well, we are the parasite class after all. You know. Just the people whose hard work drives the economy. Nothing big.
but on day one the price of eggs will come down. not sure when it will be day one.
They’ve said it: to reset the economy to not rely on government spending to drive GDP. They want to dramatically reduce not only the size but the impact govt spending has on GDP (=C + G + I + (Ex-Im), G->0). They want those resources given to billionaires to repurpose into the private sector.
See also Brexit, for which there would be pain for a period but that we 'might' see benefits in 50 years.

Or more accurately, those not at the top would feel pain for an indeterminate period.

I am reminded of Lord Farquaad from Shrek: "Some of you may die, but that is a risk I am willing to take."
Understand the mind of the rapist and you understand the mind of Trump and his team.
To usher in a new golden era in america. One where laura ingraham is a leading patron of the arts and our national parks are transformed into stumps. 🤦‍♂️
US about to “go through some things”
If you think back to the first term, there was no payoff. There was only the weird talking point when Trump sank below 40% approval: "We had the greatest economy in history until the China flu."
Trump has gotten what he wanted:
* no prison time
* revenge on his enemies
* freedom to golf and run his moneymaking scams
* continued attention from media
He doesn’t really care what Musk & Co. do.
Ha-ha, the payoff is to extend the expiring federal income tax cuts for the super-wealthy, and for everyone else to continue to pay the same level of federal income taxes, but for fewer and lower-quality government services. The end.
He is such a bad dom.
Why: so he & his buddies can line their pockets.

How long: as long as possible - at the very least until the peasants revolt.

The payoff: lots for Russia & billionaires.
- Oh, you meant for average Americans? None - but they'll be too destitute to worry about anything but day-to-day survival.
Follow up questions used to be a thing.
Would be nice if they had to go through it too instead of getting massive tax cuts.
The idea is companies are going to spend billions building new factories over the next decade and bring manufacturing jobs back but all they’ll do is build new factories that are fully automated and they’ll cut jobs that are already in the US. it’s galaxy brain shit
Them first.
The reason given is that the federal debt is too high. But, then the GOP House is proposing a federal budget that adds another $4.5 Trillion to the debt, so that reason is a red herring.
This must be part of his appeal to evangelicans: pay for your sins, go through purgatory.
I don’t understand why Dems aren’t out there shouting, “We are the richest nation in the world! There’s no good reason for Trump to defund our government agencies & services! We should be able to have nice things, like most other Western countries!”
I wish there was a way to make them understand that they are being used and manipulated JUST to make rich people richer.

Its very thatcher-esque
Me when I FinDom an entire country
Counterpoint: No we don’t have to go through another economic catastrophe
maga: we need to go through economic pain

me: why?

maga: because things are so bad

me: but youre telling me youre implementing policy that you know will make it worse

maga: right, to make it better

me: so it will eventually get better?

maga: maybe!
Just how brexit was sold to the brits. They've been waiting 9 years and counting. Almost as if their Russian handlers have no plan on purpose?
Yeah, they have never really explained what the benefit to all of us is going to be for all the economic pain. Almost like there is none.
Me: will I, a middle class person or anyone from the lower classes benefit from what comes after the pain

maga: lol. lmao
Better for whom is always the question that never gets asked by the people buying the lie.
It’s definitely going to get “better,” but we’re not gonna tell you for who
And if you ask any more questions you’re automatically woke
And you're also ungrateful bullies who desire scaring children by telling, who are being held in front of our bullet proof vests bc we think we're targets for assassinations
Oh and ps things weren't really so bad
Look we all have to suffer in order to get that largely symbolic DEI program out of public and corporate America.
If there’s a strategy, seems like it’s bankrupt everyone, then distribute “relief” as targeted bribery.
Instead of ending with “maybe,” it should have been, “TRANS PEOPLE!” or “GREENLAND!” or “SQUIREL!”
Widespread economic suffering is the first phase of the MAGA Revenge Tour. Faced with dwindling prospects in a pluralistic society, it is a last gasp effort to make the entire world feel the pain of the white working class status decline.
This seems right to me. A great exorcising of MAGA resentments via Trump taking his personal revenge on every group and institution that hasn’t validated him.

And there are a bunch of neo-Nazis and oligarchs who opportunistically want similar things so are helping make it happen
I'd update that last line to "maybe, but probably only for me and that's all that matters!"
"you little people need to suffer because Elon and our other billionaires don't have enough money"
Everything going on is about appealing to the "virtuous" nature of suffering. No vaccines because suffering is good. No eggs because suffering is good. No healthcare because suffering is good.

Their message is:
"Pain is good. Empathy is bad. Suffering is heavenly."
there really is this weird mentality in this country that going through pain automatically means its for the best
I’ve been seeing it from both the far right and far left, even!

It’s either “you must suffer to make America great again (for me, the boss)” or “you must suffer for THE CAUSE or you aren’t resisting hard enough!”

I suspect it comes from many people in this country growing up with religious guilt.
And then there’s the corollary of “these people must suffer as punishment!” (Which people depends on who is pushing that idea)

Personally I’m inclined to favor anyone whose platform is “Less suffering for everybody!”
Austerity politics but this time everyone is a divorced dad trying to rationalize his rejection via childhood memories of Christianity.
What is this “we” shit
Is it because they don’t want to admit that they want Americans to sacrifice for Trump’s imperial ambitions?
And the response is...
Comment image
The payoff is better economic conditions for billionaires, and particularly, relief from a restive workforce making demands on their employers (a particular sore point with Silicon Valley finance and executives).

So unemployment and desperation are their own reward. But they can't exactly say that.