The title makes sense!
Written by the Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde,
who stood up to Orange Voldemort.
Everyone should be buying this.
I'm buying it.
Written by the Bishop Mariann Edgar Budde,
who stood up to Orange Voldemort.
Everyone should be buying this.
I'm buying it.
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I'm positive that Bishop Budde would appreciate and encourage using alt text.
Also positive that alt text would annoy Trump.
Showing support for a brave human
She stood before the rising tide,
Where many turned their hearts aside.
“Will no one speak?” the Bishop cried,
For truth and love must not subside.
She said heck no he is not going to not rest in peace, bring him to DC!
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington, DC 20500
Only the Bible speaks the Truth of both what has been, and soon, very soon, shall prove to be reality revealed.
That is exactly right, not least because true Christianity has never been about power or governance. In fact the world of politics, and false religion, including false Christianity is all part of Satan's world, not God's.
We have the example of Christ and >>
Any interference with how, Satan's world operates is futile and in the end counter-productive.
The reason for the separation was that, as Jesus silently acknowledged to Satan, all rulerships belong to Satan, and have ever since Adam >>
The first 2 chapters of Job described it well, Satan was the first to seek self-determination, hence Satan is often described as a fallen Angel, and Adam followed his lead.
Even early Apostate Christianity kept out of >>
Roman Catholicism was created as a sort of religion-political force and down to this day has extended Rome's power over people and leaders of many lands. Yes, Rome still rules >>
Yes, but not all the words of Jesus, omly carefully selected ones. True Christians believe the entirety of Jesus teachings, and of his God and Father.
Not only that but she teaches Jesus Is God incarnate, which in effect calls Jesus, the Apostles, and the God and Father of Jesus liars. >>
When the True God said, as recorded at Genesis 1:26 "let US create man in OUR image" who was he talking to?
Think about that.