Absolute torture. My husband primarily works in live performance, but during the pandemic he worked in film and I could not wrap my head around how that scheduling works. At least his shitty turnarounds now are due to his own call planning
Woody Allen and Sidney Lumet did 8hr days and made stone classics. It can be done. Gave the crew guaranteed 10hr days. Requires competence and strong producers. Today anyone thinks they can produce and do.
I’m a far cry form being management. I have paid plenty of union dues on the railroad that didn’t get me jack, other than a smaller check. I’m just saying that everyone is replaceable.
And by the by... I really hope THEY get the same level of support when they need it in '24.
Because they're gonna need it. That contract fucking SUCKS.
So you basically have Sunday to yourself and start all over on Monday.
Put more women in the producer's and director's chairs and watch that whole dynamic change. (One would hope.)
"How do you balance work and being a parent?" Yeah, how DO you?
"Well... I ensure the hours aren't fucked up for anyone."
I'm going on strike for more meme panels
Wonder why people aren't going to the cinema like they used to? It's not because of what they didn't write but what they did.
Rewarding failure?