I spend way too much time flailing over invites that include "please tell us what you want us to pay you." So, hivemind, what would you expect ME to charge for an hour-long, in-person talk at:
a) a public library
b) a university
c) a game convention
a) a public library
b) a university
c) a game convention
b & c) $2500 + travel expenses?
I also should note that I've never gotten $2500 for a workshop or talk. Sometimes, when I ask for $1000 or more, invitations get rescinded.
This has never happened to my male colleagues.
I'd want to know what they pay their men for various talks of various types, ask for that. Unfortunately that info is SO hard to get.
It's a weird convergence of not talking about money, and the fact that in this context money literally = fame and merit
But I will say that often what men in my profession say they can demand is 2-3 times what I can.
People often ask women to talk assuming they are the "cheaper" option.
I don't get paid at all, no travel, nothing. 8 panels in four days. I do it for the love.
Baseline: travel expenses + lodgings + admission.
Add: hourly rate for prep-time + actual talk. (And maybe time made unusable due to travel.)
Subtract: convenience. Was I going to this con anyhow? I might drop up to 100% of travel and/or lodgings.
(And practically, I've had to turn down most requests due to parenting - or ask for extra sitting expenses atop all of the above, which tends to result in "sorry, no way" pricing.)
Esp because like, this is my livelihood! So I respect libraries and educational institutions but I must eat...
b) $2000
c) $5000
A: Libraries don’t have tons of money, so that I’d do free.
B: Universities have money and charge a LOT for attendance, so I’d charge the most there.
C: Cons vary. A large con would have more than a small con, so I’d vary it by size of show.
b) $1000+
c) $500+ (w/lodging/food/free ticket to event)
I was reading they don't pay GDC speakers. which is wild. But 'creator of Wingspan' carries so much marketing weight now, you'll get seats. I think university talks should pay for the library talks, and cons for a discount. idk
Also, you surely get pressure to represent female designers at a discount/pro bono. I'm asked to talk about games accessibility for free & "be grateful for the opportunity."
You're so right on travel. It's a $500+ flight to some places in the US. They should cover travel at minimum. It should be assumed.
Library: $300
University: $500
Game convention depends on size but like. If it's a big con like Gencon tack a zero on it.
I have zero insider information or specialist knowledge but your time is valuable.