It’s Scottish Budget day - what should we expect?
The UK budget delivered £3.4bn of extra funding for Scotland, which will certainly help alleviate immediate pressures. But the pressures on the public finances are far from over 🧵
The UK budget delivered £3.4bn of extra funding for Scotland, which will certainly help alleviate immediate pressures. But the pressures on the public finances are far from over 🧵
We estimate that raising the SCP by £10 could lift 20,000 children out of poverty, costing around £190m
Today I expect capital budgets to be used to increase investment in affordable housing. The big question is: by how much?
Last year’s budget cut funding for the Just Transition Fund by by 75%. Today this needs to be reinstated and scaled up
We also need to a comprehensive review of grants and subsidies (stay tuned for more from us on this)
Council tax is horribly unfair and inefficient, and urgently needs replaced. This can’t be done overnight - but the process needs to start now