I'm a senior staff writer at an online magazine. I write features (1100+ words) pretty regularly. I'm also expected to produce 25 articles a month. The VF feature annoys me because of how incredibly rare the opportunities are to publish profiles and features at that length, pay rate, and prominence.
But "coach" never responded to my pitches. It's always the white men with some minor lit prestige + old boys network? that gets them the gigs. I never could crack that formula.
Honestly I think he has a lot in common with his “hero.”
He’s apparently a Nabokov fan too - who must think Lolita is a how-to manual, instead of a biting commentary on the lies people tell themselves.
The reviews were correct
And those answers were in writing.
I get very bitter when see shitty overwrought fancy $3 a word features.
You did nothing wrong by disclosing that rate.
For all the work and research that went into that piece? And then the years of honing your craft to be able to write that beautifully?
That. Is. BS.