If that is true, then no one ever dies. Just by existing, you influence the course of history. That seat you were in at the coffee shop caused someone to sit somewhere else, where they struck up a conversation with their future spouse.
Thank you for sharing this today. It is the anniversary of my father’s passing. Our relationship was strained at the end and I’ve been working through all the feelings and emotions that brings. This has helped today.
Death, by far, is one of the characters that is surprising to see in a book, and always a joy to see when he shows up (partly because he’s in *every* book).
I've been reading the books in publication order (I'm on Unseen Academicals now) and Mort was the first one I fell in love with. Death has been my favorite character ever since.
Yeah I agree. That's why I'm reading them in order of publication. Even though I didn't enjoy the first few novels as much, what I liked was seeing the Discworld develop, as it were.
I think after Death and Vimes my favorite character is the Librarian!
I love this quote.
The vinophile in me takes issue with it.
The winemaker lives on long after the ferment is done. She lives on until the last bottle of that final vintage is savored.
This always makes me sad, but in a good way
May his ripples continue mark the surface of the water for many years to come
this (and the similar sentiment from Going Postal) have helped me with grief in the past
I hope you’re able to make peace with everything
it’s basically Death and Vimes for me, with Granny close behind
I think after Death and Vimes my favorite character is the Librarian!
*here, this meme may come in handy
I’ve worked it into code comments on a variety of things I’ve worked on
the code won’t last forever but it’s there while it does
The vinophile in me takes issue with it.
The winemaker lives on long after the ferment is done. She lives on until the last bottle of that final vintage is savored.
Terry hadn't been diagnosed by GPs pub date (2004) but it would only be a few more years until The Embuggerance made itself known.
GNU Terry Pratchett. 😢