This reminds me of the talk that Steve Jobs gave in the 1980s where he said that in the future people would be using computers more and more, perhaps up to two hours a day!
WinMe was my first experience with a computer; I was seven. It was a formative experience, though- all the crashes and errors fascinated me, leading to a lifelong interest in computers and eventually a career in CompSci.
Aren't most phones nowadays designed to be? Not that they should suffer from planned obsolescence, but that's how smartphone manufacturers get you to buy the Latest Newest Shiniest Model every two years.
It's funny that humans and computers get tired for similar reasons, little bits of junk building up in the brain, and the solution for both is to turn it off and back on.
I did not even know it could make those beeping noises.
Then again, it was a Windows Me PC that crashed all the time, so they may very well have had a point.
It truly was an awful OS
Switch to Linux and enjoy years of trouble free uptime!
Predatory AF IMO...
a server that's been running for 7 years is barely working and begging for death