Well then, any black man who voted for trump because they couldn’t tolerate a competent black woman for President should apologize immediately. And then work hard to elect only democrats for a long time. If we get to vote again.
But I'm sure he'll let the military teach members about how his family made the country great. His grandfather left Germany to avoid the draft and Trump used a medical excuse to also avoid the draft and none of his family have served. He is an a$$hole.
By the time they're done, the only black leaders in the history books will be Clarence Thomas and their ludicrous anti-affirmative-action version of MLK.
I've got a feeling that increasing the blind spots in policy making/education/civic discourse (how else to consider keeping the truth from people) will NOT prove wise or profitable
It will be replaced by a movie that details an Eastern European piece of trash who became a filthy birther racist, otherwise known as the Melania biopic.
Is this the truth? For the past week I feel like we cannot trust anything or anybody. Anything bad is possible (and probable) under Trump.
He and his followers are sick, indecent people.
I expect that my late first wife's cousin will not be invited back to the service academies to teach her seminar on responding to illegal orders. Based upon her historical studies of the Holocaust and German Resistance.
Trump and his supporters will continue to live in their dark ignorant minds.
Guess he'll eliminate February next.
He and his followers are sick, indecent people.