This is such an important point. It starts with small acts of appeasing dear kings requested compliance. Language matters. This is vile on their side to do this bootlicking of this fascist behavior.
Even if a company doesn't actively want to suck up -- and I bet a lot of them do -- they're going to check what they did before in similar situations, so they don't get dragged in front of Congress and asked "So how come your Argentina website says 'Islas Malvinas' but..."
Give me a break! Of course the oil and gas folks are all in on this shit and the administration. They are destroying the planet and killing ppl while making trillions doing it. F#ck them! Buy an EV!
We need people to be a LOT MORE NOISY about stuff like this. FWIW, oil companies generate huge profits with your tax dollar subsidies and don't pay any taxes. Whose side do you THINK they're on?
I'm old enough to remember when Congress changed the name of the French fries served in their canteen to Freedom Fries (after the invasion of Iraq (Bush Jr)).
The residents removed the Winston sign and replaced it with a Swastika sign with the message, "To hell with Hitler, we had the swastika first."