Sorry for being so quiet, I've been extremely depressed.
However, I'm very drunk. You know what that means! Ask me anything! Nerds
However, I'm very drunk. You know what that means! Ask me anything! Nerds
Also, as an American, can I get you to sit in a pond over here and pass out swords? Seems a better basis for a system of government at the moment.
It'll be about spirals and identity
This year, undefeated.
I really am 6'7, 2 meters tall. And that's before adding whatever I gain from my new boots
I am worried.
Take care.
As for the question, what's your favourite fiction book?
Right now, probably Leviathan Wakes
Thanks for the answer :-)
Sämst är utan tvekan stockholmska. Med en enorm marginal.
I am very partial to a toasted sandwich with a hummus spread, topped with a slice of cheese. I had that this morning for breakfast. Love it
Nice to see you around. :3
Yeah the Expanse is great, they even managed to stick the landing, show is awesome too (if slightly reworked, goes up to book 6).
I also recommend Iain Banks Culture novels, it’s luxury Gay space communism and they are quite weird, ships are sentient, they are also very good.