I called it before the election. They’ve done very little to step up when needed to protect us. I’ve been calling for a 3rd party since most of last year. Find new people. Call them democrats, independents or whatever, but they have to care more for our freedom then their good ole boys club.
No, what you don't see is that this is standing up to trump by becoming his friend... then in 6 months when there's no gov't left for him to destroy, that's when we strike!
Exactly! SHAME ON YOU @schumer.senate.gov You have betrayed the American people! @klobuchar.senate.gov I expect you to stand shoulder to shoulder with the people of Minnesota and VOTE NO tomorrow. Do not be a traitor or a Trump/Elon enabler.
The "Who" actually matters quite a lot, especially when between the useless cunts there's also plenty of people who run blue then tear off the mask and are actually fuckin' red.
from canada, it has seemed for years that the dems would prefer to lose elections and remain a centrist-ish ineffective opposition rather than actually winning elections and being expected to *do something*
their candidates and campaign strategy only make sense to me through a lens of self sabotage
i wouldnt go as far as "self-sabotage" - it's more that there are certain terms they adhere to and those are the only terms they want to win with - it's worth pointing out that while hardly the progressive king some of his boosters have insisted he was, biden broke from that template occasionally
now think back, who were the first and loudest voices within the party calling for biden to step down last year? mostly the same centrist jerkoffs who'd spent much of the previous 3 years complaining that they didn't want him to be FDR. don't get me wrong: biden was dead in the water as a candidate
but the centrist contingent that got involved w/his ouster also wanted to punish him for appointing the occasional decent person like lina khan or piddly shit like walking picket lines and doing photo ops w/AOC.
I feel like another "blue no matter who" wave is rising but it's whatever Dem runs against an incumbent. There will be massive fundraising to change the names but not the problems.
I didn’t even say all that, but I still wanna apologize for thinking that this would have any other possible outcome. I don’t know what The Clown has on these Senate Dems… but gotdamn. They folded like cheap lawn chairs.
it's wrong to think there's blackmail involved - some have been bought by the corporate sector (or AIPAC or another special interest) but also: since bill clinton the dems have become a haven for moderate conservatives who have nowhere else to go because the republican party has become so extreme.
a big chunk of dem electeds and the party establishment now is made up of people whose mission in life is to make the democratic party into a moderate conservative party.
This is the vibe we need. I did this closer to 2017 but really people need to ask themselves "why did I expect a different outcome?" and process the answer.
yeah but there’s another 40-odd Democrats in the Senate who did. And House Democrats voted for the near equally feckless Jeffries (who still was at least able to whip the caucus against this disastrous CR)
How are those even mutually exclusive positions? Not that they have to coexist. But one can think they are just “good cops” for the money power and also have to win.
My only hope (probably in vain) is that even the blue no matter who crowd is waking up the Democratic Party the rest of us have been warning them about for years.
I won't apologize for those chicken shit pretenders
There is no opposition
They just go along to get along
This is what I expect from the Democrats
I'll go one further, fuck the two party-sinngle party Nazi system in the US. 3rd party ONLY moving forward. Democrats capitulated, they are now a dead party.
In this country, you'll be waiting until everyone who owes you an apology turns blue and dies from some godawful disease (and even then, no, bc being a USian means never actually apologizing).
We have GOT to take big money out of politics. One way or the other. I guess it’s time to boycott harder and more focused. Take their money, you weaken their grip.
I saw your post a few days ago that you feel sorry for the folks who support Dems having to spend their energy on trying to get them to do the right thing instead of doing other things. Being one of those folks, it really got me thinking. This is the last straw. Fuck them. My energies go elsewhere.
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I had the same thing happen to me. A flame screed from people against me 'cause I wanted the Dems to do SOMETHING! I was told to shut up, my opinion doesn't matter, I should run for office or shut up.
Screw it. The Dems are doing nothing. Sure there are court cases. But Congressanal Dems are DOA.
For real. Everytime they do the same thing, then get mad at me for not voting for them. It's like that 1 friend, everytime they break up she shittalkz him awful. Then when they get back together you're the asshole "cuz you listened to her"
Sorry. I was probably one of them.....but this Schumer, leading the fold is really the last straw.
Everyone else on the left is working their asses off, writing their representatives, organizing protests, working on campaigns.
And then DNC leadership hands the keys over to the GOP.
Dem leadership gave up principles with Clintonian triangulation and not only never reclaimed them but a lot of the ghouls in charge are the same people
Sometimes I think vote blue people think we like this disappointment. It is a terrifying feeling to watch people cheer them doing nothing knowing it's all hands on deck out here.
their candidates and campaign strategy only make sense to me through a lens of self sabotage
He wouldn't be able to do it alone.
But, given that most of us have a stronger understanding of history than the average citizen....
And you're correct.
There is too much money in the system.
There is no opposition
They just go along to get along
This is what I expect from the Democrats
‘Blue no matter who’ only worked when we weren’t in the middle of a coup.
‘Blue no matter who’ only works when ‘blue’ is united as an opposition party.
Especially when big money gets involved.
This is the left’s fault too.
Screw it. The Dems are doing nothing. Sure there are court cases. But Congressanal Dems are DOA.
chagrined ppl b like "who? me? i... uh nope. I don't know what you're talking about...?"
you may be waiting a while for any apologies 😬
Everyone else on the left is working their asses off, writing their representatives, organizing protests, working on campaigns.
And then DNC leadership hands the keys over to the GOP.