Actually a female orgasm transiently turns the mucous environment alkaline which is somewhat more favorable to Y chromosome containing sperm cells. Kind of a biological joke for misogynists.
Hum, this sounds like something a man made up to excuse his inability to bring a woman to orgasm. Just my form of birth control, madam. You're welcome!
Then how in the blue hell did Conservative Fabricated GOP Christian Faith Standard Bearer, Wrestling Buckeye Lotion Boy, and Sexual Abuse Enabler Jim Jordan manage to have children?
This was the British law in 1300, it was illegal to rape a woman.
But to prove it was rape was impossible
Because if you get pregnant then you enjoyed it, not rape.
If you are not pregnant, women's words against a man didn't count.
Who would have guessed? I will be living my ancestor's law in 2025
The weird thing is, those prissy uptight Christian women are super freaky in the sheets. But OMG are they apeshit crazy too. Weirdest shit I have ever experienced at the same time. Ok I may have picked up a few and had a little fun...I had to know if it was true...shhhhh, don't judge me.
Thankfully I’ve never had that problem but I understand that for Mr. 🤏🍄 his activities are purely transactional and Stormy has provided a play-by-play of his “shortcomings”.
Anyone: …
Conservative: Who cares!
George Carlin.
But to prove it was rape was impossible
Because if you get pregnant then you enjoyed it, not rape.
If you are not pregnant, women's words against a man didn't count.
Who would have guessed? I will be living my ancestor's law in 2025
Good one!
Very good!
Orgasms are saved up for the midnight public restroom rendezvous e.g. Larry Craig's "I have a wide stance" 🤣🤣
I mean seriously. With the fires, tornadoes and hurricanes...
At least my last ex would be.
Ladies! Never settle and don't fake it! 🫶🏻
Ben Shapiro alone disproves this.
Not having the women climax is not a reliable method of birth control.
It’s those little millions of little swimmers that get a woman preggers.