On MJ: If you don't appreciate the audience you have, betray that audience and lose their trust you are ging to lose lots of them. i have seen this movie.
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They not only betrayed us and lost our trust, we feel like fools for letting them manipulate us for all these years. It was never about you or me, or the country. It’s was ratings, baby.
Stopped tuning in well over a year ago - was tired of being preached too - but this shows how little they really cared about who their audience is and now was.
Right now I can’t watch any news, any station, any hour!
That said it does seem that @morningjoe.bsky.social might think they’re avg. Joes but they’re definitely looking a bit elitist imho!
The guests have become mundane! The sports is dumb, especially when Mika ignores women’s sports!
I see MJ and I think Michael Jordan, and I thought “What did he do?”, even though I know in my head what Joe and Minka did….you can never say “MJ” and not have me think Michael Jordan….had me scared he endorsed Trump and is now his nominee for DOL
They're supposed to be so smart. Unless their tactic was to play "professional journalist" to make Trump dis them like the adolescent he is, they were just foolish. If that was their play, they'd better slam his lob down just over the net so hard he can't return it. Otherwise, still foolish.
They lost me. Apparently being on social media doesn’t make me a part of the real world. I live in the Midwest. I guess I don’t have my finger on the pulse of 30 Rock or something.
Noticed yrs. ago that most MSNBC programs opened their programming with Trump, devoting the better part of the hour on him.
Biden/Harris were lucky in getting a short segment in the final 10 minutes, even when they were accomplishing something important.
Another dissatisfied viewer.
Not going back.
Have to say, totally agree. It's a sad state of affairs when realizing this was the best we had, reporting the news. One understands mgmt influence, but where were all the experts on people like trump? The many psychiatrists that have spoken out? Instead we got a bunch of amateurs guessing?
I love Randi Rhodes, others. I’ve been a @thomhartmann.bsky.social for years. I’m a major reader. There a great Substacks @hcrichardson.bsky.social , @sethcotlar.bsky.social , @thomaszimmer.bsky.social , @cliffschecter.bsky.social has a great show. Support them all. We need more folks speaking up!
They think their ratings are bad now they haven’t thought this thru. But glad the facade is over. I feel very foolish ever believing they meant what they said.
@joemsnbc.bsky.social in a very calculated decision thinks his viewers will appreciate his sly trip to Mara-Lardo & Trump meeting. If he wanted to connect and maintain his dignity he should have done so in a neutral location. Joe & Mika bent the knee, it's so sad. I will never watch them again
I have to admit - as a long time viewer, this was a very disappointing course of action. It did, however, remind me how very capitalistic cable news was, is and most likely will remain.
I've been over these two!! Mika and her know your value club pretty much did it.
The way he interrupts her talks rudely dismissal of her feelings thoughts, etc.. apparently, she doesn't know hers.
Completely and totally done with Morning Joe. Not just an about-face but complete capitulation. This is why I follow you, Michael Steele, and Nicole Wallace.
There absolutely no reason to do this. They went on and on about not normalizing or accepting his behavior. An obvious kow tow. Very, very disappointed.
The mainstream media takes the Democrats in their audience for granted and craps on them. That's what they do. It's an stupid strategy because Republicans aren't going to watch MJ or subscribe to the NY Times and Washington Post.
I haven't been back to MJ since the election. When I heard they went to Mara Lago.... My thought was, How much scoffing and vitriol did they belch when the GOP showed up to kiss the ring... what's the difference between the GOP and MJ? Apparently not much.
they'll be fine over at Fox or one America, or MSNBC continues its decade-long trend of shedding progressive voices from its talent pool. I could see the PM line-up getting dispersed quickly without any ill effect to ratings.
I keep complaining to MSNBC about doing what you talk about. They love to pick 3 or 4 stories/day and it gets so repetitive. More John Olivers, Keith Olbermanns, Jon Stewarts, etc. are needed. Maddow and O'Donnell are brilliant but they shouldn't be doing the same stories as each other. You Rock!!!
Morning Joe is simply showing us who he is. Access is the coin of the realm in media. But he did take it too far. You don't call a man Hitler and then fly done to his home to share a meal.
Jen, I read the piece Fox News did on you. I was an ardent MSNBC watcher for 6 years before the election. Havent watched a minute since. But I will say this, If we have any hope as a nation, there has to be someone who WILL fight back on the lies but also tell the unvarnished truth. Ill watch that.
Well Jen, considering MSNBC Has lost half of Their audience, because they're tired of being lied to, you libtards might want to consider your future. It's easy to see which group you belong to.
I've decided to tune in tomorrow simply to see if they recognize the error of their ways. If not - then the only MJ I will have in the morning is Milk and Juice.
I can not believe they did this, just like every other republican. They showed us they are republicans first, Trump supporters, second, and , I don't know if they are, American, even third. I don't know they value of this country of ours!!
And not a word was said by Nicolle or Claire this afternoon. So far Rachel has not indicated any surprise. I wonder if she will. And I wonder if Lawrence will devote even three minutes to this betrayal.
It’s time to finally drop all television. It’s been dying a slow death since the internet and doesn’t have the best interest of its viewers. It has devolved into the propaganda arm of the oligarchs. Let it burn.
TBH I have no idea what Joe was thinking but after researching Mika, I know she probably just freaked out and is scared for her life and career. Only reason I can see to go kiss the ring.
But I’m wondering if perhaps they were just afraid of (and I’m not being dramatic) getting arrested by T’s people or something horrible like that, and they’re just trying to save their own lives?
For crying out loud! Elon Musk is attempting to purchase MSNBC from Comcast! It all makes sense now! Joe and Mika prioritized financial gain and relevance over speaking truth to power! White privilege, wealth, and elitism allow for flip-flopping with minimal repercussions.
This isn't entertainment or just a job for us as it seems to be for the DC elite. We actually care about the direction of this country and this is a betrayal.
To quote Lizzo: about d@☆n time!
Scarborough constantly talked over everyone, especially women, and rambled as if he was the only one adding value to the show. Cringed every time I heard that blowhard.
Do Joe and Mika want to get invited to mar a lago and White House parties? MSNBC isn’t Fox. The Fox and Friends audience isn’t going to watch MSNBC. WTF do they think they are doing ?
After one commercial break Joe said they were getting lots of supportive calls. Then he said something about what was being said on social media. He laughed and he he didn't care. That is his audience he was laughing about.
after Mika has been lecturing women for years about 'know your worth'. We've known for a long time how hypocritical they both are. I'm glad people are starting to see them for what they are: craven hangers-on.
Me, just now:
"Michael Jordan????..."
Wondering if non-contractual "guests" will appear on their show in the future?
That said it does seem that @morningjoe.bsky.social might think they’re avg. Joes but they’re definitely looking a bit elitist imho!
The guests have become mundane! The sports is dumb, especially when Mika ignores women’s sports!
Mumbles Mitchell will have to go on without me. Sorry Lawrence, it was a good ride
Biden/Harris were lucky in getting a short segment in the final 10 minutes, even when they were accomplishing something important.
Another dissatisfied viewer.
Not going back.
I’m physically ill.
And this morning you see how he ridiculed them both. Happy now?
Now we’re done @bigmetsfan2.bsky.social
Bannon has routinely clipped Joe & Mica for years, not in a good way. To use as propaganda & tell his audience how much they hate them
@meidastouch.bsky.social on YouTube?
@thomhartmann.bsky.social 1 hour summary from the previous day?
Any other suggestions?
@joemsnbc.bsky.social in a very calculated decision thinks his viewers will appreciate his sly trip to Mara-Lardo & Trump meeting. If he wanted to connect and maintain his dignity he should have done so in a neutral location. Joe & Mika bent the knee, it's so sad. I will never watch them again
Camel has met the last straw.
The way he interrupts her talks rudely dismissal of her feelings thoughts, etc.. apparently, she doesn't know hers.
Once I figured it out, I agree. The fact that they obeyed in advance is maddening.
For trump
before they were
Against trump
before they were
For trump
Blood pressure went down
Blood sugar went down
Sleeping more.
Feel a lot better now.
Just ask Bud Light.
They are circling the drain.
dumb. Ratings are gonna tank and they'll soon be begging FoxNews castoffs to come on their show.
They KNEW!!
Trump was a snake.
Scarborough constantly talked over everyone, especially women, and rambled as if he was the only one adding value to the show. Cringed every time I heard that blowhard.
After their announcement, I now Know THEIR Value.
I also Know MY Value which is why I’ll never watch again.
Done now. Really done.
Morning Joe needs to go.