The emulsifiers that are best to be avoided in foods
like polysorbate 80, xanthan gum, guar gum, carboxymethylcellulose
like polysorbate 80, xanthan gum, guar gum, carboxymethylcellulose
Maybe it’s not the xantham gum but the 2 gallons of ice cream you’re eating!
Would those folks have any connection to this study?
Unfortunately we live in a post-truth reality and need to be very diligent.
Stabilisers (emulsifiers, E400s) are a migraine trigger for me.
I have known this for 35 years.
It’s really good to finally read something that might explain this 🙏
Yeah? Who and on what budget? I don't see anyone investigating anything that might hurt profits for a while. And, as for me, I've made it past 70, so I'm still going to eat my ice cream.
It sounds very plausible! But you can say a bunch of shit that sounds plausible it doesn't make it real.
Acesulfame potassium - most diet sodas have switched to this
Chicory/inulin - protein booster
Maltodextrin - stabilizer
Buckwheat - replacing wheat in "cookie bits" in other items
Because I have a working memory. There's always some new bugbear and it rarely if ever turns out to be a serious issue in the long run.
Also, EGGS are an emulsifier. C'mon now.
In case you want to get informed. The most weight a woman can maintain on 2000 cal per day is about 135 pounds. It’s called the laws of physics.
I do wish the supplements industry was regulated.
And I’m sick of that “Harvard-trained cardiologist “
constantly shilling his stuff on YouTube.
Emulsifier describes any ingredient that binds imiscible fluids. Eggs are an emulsifier, but there are many others.
Eggs contain lecithin. Soybeans also contain lecithin. Either works, but soy is cheaper at scale. You see how this works?
Don't panic over outrage bait. If they come back with a large, methodologically robust study that reproduces the findings, then consider changing recipes. Stories like these usually end up going nowhere.
Donald Trump
Home made food from organic produce is worth considering when possible