100%. It's a simple, elegant plan for Elon and his cronies:
Step 1: gut the federal workforce
Step 2: secure a zillion dollars in extra contracts to perform all the functions you just gutted at a massive markup
Step 1: gut the federal workforce
Step 2: secure a zillion dollars in extra contracts to perform all the functions you just gutted at a massive markup
Reposted from
Josh Kovensky
This is the long game imo www.wsj.com/tech/musk-un...
Tesla: its main demographic are leftist and progressive climate conscious consumers. If he makes enough of us mad enough to switch to Rivian, Polestar, VW, Ford, GM, etc, who will he sell to? …
Musk's agenda.
Called..Occupy Mars.
Slash the government's cash stash & deposit in The Musk Occupy Mars government contract fund.
Step 4: Enjoy the advantages that come with having impoverished much of the nation.
We will see if this administration can deliver on any of these goals.
Fire government employees and hire billionaires's companies to produce less work for more cost and you've converted waste into productive spending!
It's greed.
Never want more than you need.
A working class hero is something to be.
If you want to be one,
then just follow me.