ok this blew up so here’s a reminder that (like seemingly everyone else in the world) i was laid off recently and am looking for work in social, content strat, writing, editorial, aud dev, etc. don’t look at my other posts
while we’re at it i’m also single. my love life is way lower priority to me than my career tbh but i will receive boyfriend applications with an open heart. NYC based applicants only, sorry
No joke, my 8 year old watched this and asked, "Where does that hole lead? To God?" (I'll just note that we raised him without religion, so his concept of God is a little... creative.)
Gosto desse vídeo, ele é uma das demonstrações das habilidades dos polvos. Mas eu queria saber o motivo dele estar se enfiando em um buraco aleatório .-.
Also, that was disturbing on a level I don't fully comprehend.