With men in America saying “your body, my choice,” I bet sexual assaults will skyrocket.
And women having no access to abortions or healthcare, what has happened in America is a recipe for disaster.
And women having no access to abortions or healthcare, what has happened in America is a recipe for disaster.
"For that matter, any masturbatory emissions, where the sperm is clearly not seeking an egg, could be termed reckless abandonment." - Elle, Legally Blonde 🤣😂
Self defense classes are an excellent investment. And plan B is available online. Lasts up to 4 years in dark, dry space.
That is the new normal.
Anyway I'm sorry for the good women who voted blue if anything will happen to them, but honestly I am not sorry one bit for the other ones, they are gonna get what they voted for: violence, rape, abuse and no abortion rights.
Consider not only your needs but also those of your daughters/ granddaughters. Repugs are serious about eliminating access to birth control.
Less medical autonomy.
AND you can count they’re going to cut social welfare services for single mothers.
Arm yourself ladies, and aim for the balls. Luckily one thing you CAN count on is the 2nd amendment.
Good men need to step up.
“Women, turn this shit around! Say back, “Yea? Well, your body, MY choice, and it’s a definite no fucking way, dude!’” Love, Mom We are NOT going back!”
You are allowed to protect yourself under 2A so that should apply. 😅😂
I would be scared as a male not to carry in the USA.
Just saying. Look after yourselves.
F**k what Maga & GOP think. The alternative is worse.
Maybe we can all chip in a few bucks and buy it at the bankruptcy sale someday soon.
People like this are the reason I moved here
Now her company is moving her to Calgary 🇨🇦
I’m releaved she’s getting out of here and out of Texas
I have been telling my friends and family (men & women) to arm themselves. There is a permission structure for self defense. Use it. What choice do we have now. The die is cast, as they say.
They're the ones that wanted to go back there.
We just happen to be in a position to take advantage of advancements in painkillers that can now kill you in one cup of coffee.
Women's rights < surprise fentanyl
Told them not to be shy...we'll ask questions later. 😁
Sexual assaults will rise with these cult members who feel empowered to do anything they want with Trump in power.
And if Republicans keep the house, I have no doubt they’ll pass a nationwide abortion ban!