Similar. But the "people's car" was well designed, usedul, safe, and very affordable. Big difference. Meant to be used by every family in Germany. They even had coupon books for families to keep track of their progress toward owning one.
Donald Trump has warned all Americans if they do not buy Tesla cars they will be declared to be domestic terrorists and they will be legally shot and killed by the police !
I literally ALWAYS thought of trump as a crooked used car salesman in a bad 70's polyester suit, with a wide loud tie - complete with the white belt and shoes, a total Mike Douglas lookalike!
Was just thinking about the VW Thing and how popular it was for a while. Evidently, it was passenger car safety standards that did it in, not that it looked like the VW Kübelwagen from WWII, which stood out to me as I got older.
I love and admire just how sharp and quick blue sky craftspeople are and similarly how effective and helpful photoshop has proven to be in defending (by showing) The Truth so succinctly!
Having gone through five years of nazi occupation in the Netherlands, my mother refused to let my father buy a German car even more than 70 years later.
So, does the next Indiana Jones film have him being unfrozen like Captain America, seeing a news broadcast while in the hospital, mutter “Nazis…I HATE Nazis.” Then pick a whip, turn into the Red Hulk, join the Avengers, and save the world from the current US regime? Because…it really writes itself.
Fooooook!!!! 🤦🏻♀️ The only difference is a VW was a war work horse defending Germany.. the Tesla is likely to lock you in and let you burn to death inside!
The difference is in the protagonists and the message. Then was a very well-oiled propaganda machine, using a popular man to promote an economic car for everyone. Today, a couple of idiots were making a cheap commercial about a very expensive car that no one in the Maga base can afford.
My sister had one. The floorboards were rusted away and I remember as a kid watching the road go by under my feet. Then one day when she was cashiering at the Red Barn a guy came in said there was a car on fire out back. The end
Yes - but the stark difference between everything Hitler and everything Trump - Hitler put 'his' constituency to work, improved the economy and sold affordable cars. Trump 'works' for himself and the ultra rich only, while unemploying people, tanking the economy and peddling unaffordable cars.
Humanity is truly on a never-ending loop of dog shit - wash rinse repeat - I keep finding myself encouraged when asteroid hits are more likely and depressed when they are revised down lately.
The difference between the two is that the VW was labelled as, literally, the people's car, where the 21st century American iteration is know as the *rich* people's car. The first was affordable, the other unaffordable (for most people anyway.)
Hitler was even more diabolical.
1930s German families had to buy “savings books” and bought coupons and never got a car.
Same with the Autobahn it was built to transport tanks not the “people’s car.”
Herr Porsche was an engineer.
The problem is #TheAutisticNazi is even more reckless and feckless.
Pure fascist circle jerk on the White House grounds.
1789 Capital is positioning itself to offer MAGAtBrain states services needed to fill the holes left by Fed Gov dismantling.
Look at that stupid bastard; that's how a baby pretends to drive.
Directed Electronics,Greene Properties,Attorneys Title Agency LLC, Dietz Trott Sports & Entertainment,Trott Recovery Services,Jamat Reinsurance Co, Buchanan Reinsurance Co.,Greater Atlantic Insurance Co.,Williams's Chrysler Dodge
Directed Electronics,Greene Properties,Attorneys Title Agency LLC, Dietz Trott Sports & Entertainment,Trott Recovery Services,Jamat Reinsurance Co, Buchanan Reinsurance Co.,Greater Atlantic Insurance Co.,Williams's Chrysler Dodge
Directed Electronics,Greene Properties,Attorneys Title Agency LLC, Dietz Trott Sports & Entertainment,Trott Recovery Services,Jamat Reinsurance Co, Buchanan Reinsurance Co.,Greater Atlantic Insurance Co.,Williams's Chrysler Dodge
I vote for the dominoes on the right.
i.e., The merging of corporation(s) and government.
Of course, underlying both German fascism and WH fascism was the tell tale signs of something much more sinister at work.
addictive as any Doritos flavor
or Lays potato chip-
might as well cancel Ford as well
'cause Bigley American Pro-Nazi
before during and after WWII
-just joking
It is messed up
"Tesla" translates to "Nazi"
A car fully made in our country
It's a great car
I am buying too
It's Heinrich's baby
It's ur duty to buy it
"Nominated for 5 Adolfs ✨"
1930s German families had to buy “savings books” and bought coupons and never got a car.
Same with the Autobahn it was built to transport tanks not the “people’s car.”
Herr Porsche was an engineer.
The problem is #TheAutisticNazi is even more reckless and feckless.
Directed Electronics,Greene Properties,Attorneys Title Agency LLC, Dietz Trott Sports & Entertainment,Trott Recovery Services,Jamat Reinsurance Co, Buchanan Reinsurance Co.,Greater Atlantic Insurance Co.,Williams's Chrysler Dodge