Looks like fake sales to themselves. Pockets the government grant. Then they can sell these cars on as pre-owned at huge discounts in an attempt to clear inventory.
But Musk won't be able to clear inventory unless he stops production.
We let down our guard when the Soviet Union collapsed. At that time we didn't know that the KGB had been infiltrating the GOP for decades. All those "defectors" talking about the left did a great job. Now we're on the fast track to being the USSA.
So they are pissed.. Nice. In Netherlands we call it "belangen verstrengeling" when a businessman runs the politics. Conflict of interest in English... In Netherlands it is forbidden. In America it is not, but as we can see can have great negative consequences. I dont care, let it go bankrupt.
It feels like Europe is starting to realise how corrupt the USA is. Trump has just made obvious what was always there. Even if it is illegal, in the US, judges belong to political parties. We need https://bol.com to open its operations in the rest of Europe, please 🙏
They think they're upset now...just wait a few more weeks...there are many more of us living in Northern states where we've just started to thaw out .. we'll be stirring up more shitstorm for them very soon!
Musk is a poisonous pill Tesla has to swallow. They have to get rid of him as CEO and shareholder to recover. Does anyone believe they will succeed with this?
Klinkt als de toespraak van een kapitein op een schip -wat aan het zinken is. Zag er indrukwekkend uit; "maak het schip weer gróót!", maar het schip vergaat als je het groot wilt maken, blijkt nu. Meneer Krasnov/Trump voldoet aan de russische wensen; vernietig de VS van binnen uit.
Can you please write some posts and buy products of all other companies whose value was destroyed by you the last couple of weeks? I think some shady Russian Oligarch will loan you money for it.
I think his post will have the opposite effect as it’s more evidence the boycotts are hurting Tesla and upsetting Elonazi and gives the protesters motivation. The average MAGA won’t drive an electric car never mind a Tesla 😂 Can you imagine the Fred Flintstone in a Tesla?
Wait.. is he saying that Tesla is basically funded by (checks notes) Radical Left Lunatics, and as soon as they withdraw their funding there is trouble for Mr Genius? And in a bold free-markety move he'll do the intervenion buying-in? 🤡
Even if I had that much money, I wouldn't buy a Tesla. They've got a horrible safety and recall record which Musk keeps trying to keep hidden. Just like the FOTUS, he's not to be trusted.
Ou yeah, I see a long line of rednecks which are waiting on brand new Tesla instead some V8 truck. Play stupid game and wind stupid price Elon and you deserve it
Does a US President have the right to promote a brand?
In France this would be forbidden.
There is clearly a conflict of interest.
Is there justice in the USA?
It’s so funny, because it’s the left that wanted and bought electric cars 🤣 maga want to go back to the “good old days”, they think climate change is a hoax and we should continue using gas. This whole alliance between musk and maga is 🤯
Wait, I am legally required to purchase a vehicle that can be remotely controlled and steered via satellite, from a person who considers me to be of an inferior race and not worthy of living?
Tesla grifted it's way there, blew up big time after he said you can 10x investment from 30k car almost 10 years ago, Lie about the Roadster. Everywhere else that is fraud.
Just remember every time he stutters he is telling a lie 😅😂.
Imagine being so obsessed with «librals» you end up buying an electric car, an environmental action which is a concept reactionaries don’t even believe in, TO OWN THE LIBS!!!!!!!
No, he's just running his mouth again. This means the boycotts are working and we're on the right track to getting rid of Musk. He can't tell us how to spend or not spend our money.
No, it is simply perversion. Impossibility to understand someone else feeling, opinion. The other is an object that can be used, manipulated according to his immediate desire.
The Soviet economy was failing after the civil war. Lenin's solution was to liberalize(move to the left) the economy by reintroducing market economics in a form he called State Capitalism. I started wondering why everyone calls commies leftists when I learned about this.
If you give him billions on contracts and mutch more by closed doors, why buy cars? Stupid guy, delusional personality, can´t control economy, you are just a kleptomaniac, nazi gangster like him🤮🤮🤮
You are the one that canceled new charging stations to be installed, moron! "Drill baby, drill" - remember?! Who will buy an electric car if more and more petrol is gonna be available? 🤦
Will he sign an executive order to force people to buy a Tesla when they change their car or buy a new one?
Dude, your political base struggles with the price of eggs, they will never buy Tesla's.
Everything the orange turd touches turns to shit
Another great reason not to buy a Swastikar
Say what?
But Musk won't be able to clear inventory unless he stops production.
Baby ?
US became communist country.
We let down our guard when the Soviet Union collapsed. At that time we didn't know that the KGB had been infiltrating the GOP for decades. All those "defectors" talking about the left did a great job. Now we're on the fast track to being the USSA.
One more reason for NOT buying a Tesla. 🤷
Boycotting is illegal?
Now... it's working. It's really working! Keep it up!
The USA in 2025.
History repeats itself, first as tragedy, second as farce - Karl Marx
Musk is hurting and so is Trump by being associated with that Loser.
Let's bury Tesla!
Neo-cons are always saying businesses should be left to thrive or fail based on the market.
But apparently I’m now a criminal! 😂
In France this would be forbidden.
There is clearly a conflict of interest.
Is there justice in the USA?
Tesla is done. History.
Just remember every time he stutters he is telling a lie 😅😂.
Don’t put your loved ones in these death machines.
According to Musk, it's bulletproof after all
The Soviet economy was failing after the civil war. Lenin's solution was to liberalize(move to the left) the economy by reintroducing market economics in a form he called State Capitalism. I started wondering why everyone calls commies leftists when I learned about this.
Obama: “I love the new Xbox every kid should have one this Christmas.”
Watch Trump get an Incel Camino turn it into his golf cart at Mar-a-Lardo.
The real sheeple.