Another dagger in Ukraine's back.
Sincerely hope the Ukrainians tell them to fuck off!
The US can no longer be trusted, with this or the mineral deal.
Would the US agree to a deal like this? No, so why should Ukraine.
US under orange pouffe is unreliable & untrustworthy.
How bout u honor donald trump 13 July 2024 agreemt preservin all land minerals in xchange for help w ur election wh I doubled down w RNC CONTENT THEMES PR speak all ur now cabinet n fam + subsequent asst thru 7Feb; alt we visit breach n putative. Sayonora TIL U NEED ME AGAIN Caio
As an American I will say we can no longer be trusted in any way. And get rid of starlink and replace it as soon as possible with something with no connection to Musk or the US. And I find that insane to have to say this. But that's where we are.😔😔
Yes, and it is really sad. I am not sure Americans can endure the WH circus for four years. The 150 billion euro budget is to be used for only European and Canadian defense industry.
Not just talk, a lot of European material reaches Ukraina now. Follow it closely.
Conditions, always new conditions. Those who are interested in peace do not blackmail the parties, they find solutions. But every time you take a breath, new conditions are imposed.
Interested in peace? That is the great lie of life.
Remember, O. Syrsky and other militarys in UA were educated at Moscow military Academy. The served in the Sovjet army before. Zelenskij is born russian speaking. They KNOW their enemy.
Sorry, but only military strength can brake Russia. ”Guarantees” are useless.
There will be no lasting and just peace until the Russian economy implodes and the RU front lines collapse as a result! Fcuk Trump and his criminal regime. Sick scumbags !
US became a laughing stock and 75 millions of Americans who in free elections choose orange idiot as their president destroyed the country image forever.
NOTHING but a complete victory on d ground, by pushing putler out of Ukraine to '91 borders will mean anything, or produce ANY results except further attacks, occupation & destruction of Ukraine.
There are no other ways around evil. ANYTHING else will be mean capitulation. Sad nobody understand this
That was done in the Budapest memorandum by both 🇷🇺 and 🇺🇲.
This is completely without perspective as 🇷🇺 will simply repeat what it did with Crimea and Luhansk and Donetsk.
Repeating the same expecting a different result is the definition of idiocy - 'Albert Einstein'.
Well, guess we need someone else than the moronic trump administration to broker peace then. Let us broker a peace deal where the US gives back Alaska to Russia. For peace.
Makes me crazy because Ukraine should not have to give up a damn thing. And the fact that trump is speaking to Putin without others around is criminal in itself. I feel less of an American than I have ever felt before. He is not a president, presidential just evil and vindictive and a liar.
😡 like when Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons in exchange for future security guarantees? Why would they take the word of either Ruzzia or the US for anything? Both sides are proven unreliable when it comes to sticking to agreements....
The White House is more in line with Moscow than Turkey.
Turkish Foreign Ministry "does not recognize the real situation in Crimea, which is a violation of international law, and supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine."
Trump is incapable of understanding "international law"
Convicted with no sentence. His approval ratings went up during the trial with him being on TV everyday and getting free air time from all the networks for his rants.
It doesn't change the fact that he's a convicted criminal. And it is a disgrace that he is not in prison. This will go down in history as one of the most critical failures that led to the coming atrocities he will commit.
1. The United States already guranteed Ukraines security when it gave up it's nukes
2. You can't trust The United States to live up to it's promises
3. You can never trust Donald Trump
#Ukraine is a sovereign nation, #USA, #Russia, or anybody else has any legal right to demand this. Statements like this only gives the aggressor further opportunity in negotiations
западные хитрожопые циничные скоты думают, что все позабыли "гарантии" 1994 года и чем они заканчиваются.
Sincerely hope the Ukrainians tell them to fuck off!
The US can no longer be trusted, with this or the mineral deal.
Would the US agree to a deal like this? No, so why should Ukraine.
US under orange pouffe is unreliable & untrustworthy.
Not just talk, a lot of European material reaches Ukraina now. Follow it closely.
Interested in peace? That is the great lie of life.
Sorry, but only military strength can brake Russia. ”Guarantees” are useless.
USA should not speculate here. Either two sides find a compromise or not...
USA tries hard to prove themselves useful in the negotiations, but I do not see much 'added value' from their participation...
In exchange, the Ukrainian president wants #NATO protection over the country.
Nov 2024 #SlavaUkraine
There are no other ways around evil. ANYTHING else will be mean capitulation. Sad nobody understand this
Giving something to russia in order to get something in return from the US doesn't make sense.
And if he means getting security guarantees from russia, he should know those have no value.
This is completely without perspective as 🇷🇺 will simply repeat what it did with Crimea and Luhansk and Donetsk.
Repeating the same expecting a different result is the definition of idiocy - 'Albert Einstein'.
This man is negotiating for Russia and his own greed!
Republicans wake the FUCK UP!
Nothing he has on you could be this bad unless you are child molesters or wife beaters!!
I think it's either debt, or trump simply idolises putin.
It's what they do. It's ALL they the NAZI STATES OF AMERICA.
So, in other words, Ukraine gives up territory and when Russia invades again, they can give up even more territory.
What a deal 🖕
Turkish Foreign Ministry "does not recognize the real situation in Crimea, which is a violation of international law, and supports the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine."
Trump is incapable of understanding "international law"
The key is to get russia to stop, the USA on the die of the west THEN let Ukraine decide what she wants
2. You can't trust The United States to live up to it's promises
3. You can never trust Donald Trump
Like after the Budapest agreements? Ukraine would be crazy to believe ANYTHING USA/RUSSIA promise anymore.
Why not?! 🤷