pootin needs money... some Oligarch less = money for him (if he get rid of the family, maybe the Oligarchfam's are silent and get away with their life if they dont take the inheritance.
Let's hope oligarchs funding war violence n predation on women n children rape porn enslavemt equiv Sharia Law. Both terms trafficking n sharia law obscure domestic commercial predatory sexual violence for profit movies porn TV sports MUST B STOPPED.
Yeah, it happens out in Vegas happens in Moline
On the blue blood streets of Boston
Up in Berkeley and out in Queens
And it went on yesterday and it's going on tonight
Somewhere there's somebody ain't treatin' somebody right
Russians are not pissed off, they have turned into sheep long long ago and kind of need a strong leader who would say what is right. They blindly follow the leader and even sacrifice their own sons to war and promise to give birth to more so the leader has more soldiers. It’s really weird.
I think at least 3 have been identified.
(Did you ever see "The Death of Stalin" - the bit when all the doubles were being shot?)
Of course, as long as they have viable doubles, the death of the actual Vozhd needn't matter much.
Since they genuinely had no idea about Chornobyl and marched troops straight through the Red Forest in 2022, I suspect they have no idea about a lot of what goes on and history in general.
Perhaps it was an oligarch who happened to express dissatisfaction with the war in Ukraine and suggested that Putin had made a mistake - suddenly he became strangely overheated.
Can’t remember the name of a silly song growing up but I do recall the chorus,
Add another log on the fire
Cook me up some ruzzians
Kremlin & some beans.
The war can only be completely stopped when the Kremlin and the bunker where Putin hides are burned down. Following Trump's so-called ceasefire agreement to help Putin will only help Putin's war of aggression continue, from Ukraine to Europe.
Funny thing is? I can’t find the article any more. It was only ever mentioned once or twice and that was in the immediate 18-24 months after 9/11, and no one liked him and he wasn’t relevant, so it just memory holed. And apparently has been scrubbed away in the interim
I do remember "Building Escape Parachutes" being suggested & even offered.
Then it was realised that BASE jumping, even with a static line opening is fraught with dangers for the uneducated & inexperienced.
Gee, what a shame. But at least they get to see what their government has made 18% of Ukraine look like, so I'd say a few hundred more careless Smokin' Ivan events will go a long way toward training the Moscumites a little empathy for those whose homes have been destroyed by their representatives!👍
Pls do an honest review of the unwarranted and unjustifiable ordnance drops that the United States has inflicted on other countries in the name of “sPreAdinG dEmocRaCy” before you condemn clueless Rus citizens—just like us miserable ignorants when we find out later: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blowback_(intelligence)
Wow. Looks messy.
Putin's palace
The roof
On the blue blood streets of Boston
Up in Berkeley and out in Queens
And it went on yesterday and it's going on tonight
Somewhere there's somebody ain't treatin' somebody right
right away for Serbia and other places.
(Slava Ukraini!)
apartment complex aren't great.
Issues with the parking lot, and now the penthouse is on fire.
About that ceasefire...."
I suspect he's in an underground hospital on a life support machine the size of a house.
(Did you ever see "The Death of Stalin" - the bit when all the doubles were being shot?)
Of course, as long as they have viable doubles, the death of the actual Vozhd needn't matter much.
New outlet opening in Washington…
- Yes! ..
*skillfully flips open Zippo lighter*
.. scorched earth!
Well, if they won't voluntarily fall out of the window ....!
(UK joke).
Let the imperial empire burn.
Can’t remember the name of a silly song growing up but I do recall the chorus,
Add another log on the fire
Cook me up some ruzzians
Kremlin & some beans.
What is this building made of?
Sounds like a worthy pursuit!
At least the FSB can improvise?
I mean, a factory with flammables can burn like that. Not an apartment... unless you've prepared flammables in advance.
I’m on a conspiracy roll this morning
Russia is desperate.
Call me a conspiracy loon, but this sure sounds like defenestration by “other means” lol
Seems like no one is safe.
No honor amongst thieves.
I approve of it so much I hereby volunteer to pack his parachute for him.
His landing would be the Biglyest ever splat ... The GOAT splat ... The Front Page News splat.
Then it was realised that BASE jumping, even with a static line opening is fraught with dangers for the uneducated & inexperienced.
Kleptocrats burn particularly well.
GTFOH with your whataboutisms, mr ranty-pants
You have no power here