Please DEMOCRATS don’t clap, don’t stand, don’t smile, and by no means don’t pull a MTG or Boebert. If you feel you must protest, then by all means, stand and turn your back to the President.
Not even that, it’s the room where they dare to speak about the death penalty for crimes committed against police officers while they released every fucker who attacked the Capitol, basically declaring all Capitol defenders of that day as outlaws. It’s disgusting.
Would be nice if his idiot followers gave a shit or lived in reality. Instead they applaud the corruption, the lies, the absolutely evil that is being heaped on the nation.
It has finally come out in the open tonight. There is no way a party could act the way the GOP has this week, if they expected there would ever be elections again. There probably will not be UNLESS we hit the streets continuously until the USA is returned to the people. RESIST NOW or regret forever.
Memorable photo by Erin Schaff of soldiers in the Capitol after J6. Plaque on the wall lists the units quartered at the Capitol in response to President Lincoln's call for volunteers on April 15, 1861.
Fuck MAGA, fuck Nazi's, FUCK RUSSIA.