I don't think it's really sunk in on the Hill yet how much this isn't an aberration we can just come back from overnight when he's gone, this is generational damage to America's place in the world and even best-case scenario it will never be status quo ante.
Reposted from
Adam Schwarz
French Senator Claude Malhuret:
"Washington has become Nero’s court, with an incendiary emperor, submissive courtiers and a jester high on ketamine... We were at war with a dictator, we are now at war with a dictator backed by a traitor."
"Washington has become Nero’s court, with an incendiary emperor, submissive courtiers and a jester high on ketamine... We were at war with a dictator, we are now at war with a dictator backed by a traitor."
a) happy to see America no longer in a position to unilaterally impose its dumbass foreign policy preferences on the rest of the world, but also
b) nervous about what will replace it
Isolationism does not end well.
I expect to have it proven again and again that those morals never existed.
Taxing billionaires at 91% and eliminating Citizens United come to mind.
No other country will, or *should* trust our government again.
Trump is ripping up the relationships like a maniac.
It's obvious that they think that day will never ever come, not in the wildest scenarios.
all should given massive land side numbers for Trump. You should have President Harris.
We know only 22% of Americans are dumb ass dipshits.
They literally abandoned everything that once was their core believes. Now its just an empty husk completely hollowed out by MAGA.
But they overdid it and now they lost the control of that mechanism and it devolved into what we see today.
The result is a feedback loop like a runaway diesel engine.
They are now cast out or beaten into total submission.
Another one is: the government cannot steal from private citizens neither can it withhold payments lawfully owed to citizens.
Protection of private property is the bedrock of all conservative politics. Yet it was barely defended today by SCOTUS against a republican government.
But open impoundment without even any pretense of lawfulness, thats what they constantly attacked countries like Venezuela or Cuba for (never mind if those attacks were justified).
We won't.
Cults are going to cult.
Because frankly, they are unforgivable. They have fucked your country so hard.
But the educated Republicans - I have no words. It's just greed and stupidity. There's no excuse.
(and life on earth wasn't – or isn't – a mistake, that's a category error. life on earth simply is.)
Women are second class citizens, and WHITE men rule the roads.
No. Thanks.
In real terms, the US is over. Oh, sure, it still exists in its current form - for now - but its power, its alliances, its worth, and its long-term survival are all over.
Even its fawning to Putin and Xi Jinping will not serve it well.
The US is over: it's just a matter of time, now.
Now, however? I agree fully with your assessment. I don’t see any path back because the rest of us can’t rely that you won’t elect yet another DT-type leader down the road.
A bit terrifying, TBH.
Does that answer your question?
intelligent replacement plans behind the purge.
So far intelligence in the coup regime is invisible.