Just a non-gentle reminder of this guy's past. People knew who he was and what he stood for. His resume was blatantly clear. Now, he is doing the same on a massive scale and with help.
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I'm Cdn & knew of Trump's corruptions/criminalities in the 80s. Australia knew about them too as they refused his bid to build a casino there in '87 due to ill repute & mafia ties. His '88 sale of Resorts Intnl underwent 2 criminal investigations too looking at the organized crime aspect of it.
Idk. If his niece’s analysis is correct (she’s a psychologist, but there are dangers in analyzing family), it is a combination of his temperament and terrible parenting.
This, of course, is true. There's something very badly wrong with a country that elects the biggest asshole in New York as its president... twice............
This whole family tree is corupt. The ultimate criminal and con men for decades. From grandpa, to daddy, to son, this family has mastered criminality. From prostitution, to slumlord, to corporate tax fraud. Remember how Melania worked her way through the system.
are you telling me this guy has always been bad, and the only way he could have risen to power is by a collective effort among bloodthirsty populists to redraw all the voting districts to disproportionately favor the fucking molemen
There was a group that came looking for a useful idiot years ago. Some were Russian. Some later were Americans. He was never smart enough to pull this off on his own. All his plans have failed to date. 👍
The thing is, this IS why people voted for him. Have you met any of his base? They would be happy to do this, especially if this person was a minority. cruel behaviour is everything to them.Some of those men thrown on a plane and sent to wherever, not all bad, just some hardworking brown men. 🤷♀️🤷♀️
His bullshit hotel and Uptown vibe all the real estate creeps have killed off New York State, which used to be full of all those cool Mom and Pop restaurants and delis and hotels and businesses going from Southern NY up through the Catskills. Places like the Red Apple Rest didn't stand a chance
No one will ever remember him fondly. He's going down as the most reviled president in history. That'll be his legacy & his name will be synonymous with Hitler.
not only that, but there isn't one single GOOD thing in the trump past. Not even ONE. And sadly, there's lots more like this. He's been a hater his whole life. Don't be shocked now!
I’m not shocked. I knew way back then as well. It’s truly a shame that so many people fawn over him when people like Madoff were put in Prison for doing the same things
My wife’s Aunt was, in the 1950-60s, a NY public stenographer with an office she rented in the Barbazon Plaza Hotel on 6th Ave. She despised Donald Trump who became her landlord when he bought the hotel. She’s turning in her grave now, to see how we’re all suffering his asinine “leadership”.
No but he was a TV start and understand all that I have been going through. There is no way that this trump fellow is a bad man. He just wants america to be great again and to return to time that never existed. #resist.
Trump is incapable of shame due to his Narcistic and Antisocial Personality Disorders. He can never accept even the least bit of responsibility for his actions b/c his tiny self-esteem would be smashed. Instead, he denies, projects, displaces and rationalizes away the responsibility.
Yeah you know I went on vacation to Iceland. I was befriended by New Yorkers and boy howdy did they tell me some shit about that dude. More than I ever thought I’d know
I've sensed he was a monster since childhood. He alerted my "danger" alarm like no other. And that was when he was pretty much a primarily New York issue.
I had that same sense. When he won in 2016, the feeling of impending doom and the word anti-christ came over me. I'm not religious, but I believe in that. I knew he would be the ruination of this country.
I been knowing this since he was appearing on Phil donate and Sally Jesse Raphael. He was a joke even then. I TRULY couldn't believe it when he became sooo popular.
I am A Former WE New Yorker .. I warned everybody that I could get to listen to me Since forever About this man They didn't believe But trust me They do now
Growing up in the NYC area and reading papers regularly, it was very clear what a lying loser this phony was. I'd read about Ivana, then cheating on Ivana with Marla, then marrying Marla and cheating on her. Opening a big casino, then bankrupting it. The Central Park Five. Pathetic creep. Loser.
A MAGA asshole I know said during his first term it was “trendy to hate him”. I responded that I’ve.known since the 80s he was scum. The Golden Girls even mocked him on an episode!
That is one thing I will never understand. Same can be said for the people that hand all their savings to televangelists. They and Trump have that same grift down pat
I used to teach people discharging from neurorehab how to find good medical info online. I would model and they would copy using the same search words on the same search engine. My algorithms gave me good medical info while theirs often provided garbage. We live in different infospheres.
Many of the people who voted for him knew this and that's why they they voted for him. People need to understand there is a significant number of people who are just not good people.
Read here, Filan didn't owe Trump!: “They said they’d come to put me on the street because I owed four months rent. I don’t owe back rent. The last thing I got from Trump was a bill for $10.20 about two weeks ago, and I sent that. They just want me out because they can get twice as much rent.”
Trump has always been a POS 💩. His father got wealthy off of we the taxpayers by getting low income, housing grants, the same thing Elon did with NASA– when it came time to rent the units he would not rent to low income people
In the 80’s Trump sued a Local Bank in our area because they started calling their debit card the “Trump Card.”
He won. The bank paid millions and sold out to a big bank that cut 200+ jobs. If you live in NY you know what Trump is about.
Husband born and grew up in Brooklyn and Queens. Everyone knew the trump family was corrupt from tippy top to bottom including father (Fred), son, and the spawn.
the people boycotting his stocks are being successful they're tanking him across the board look up on Yahoo finance to see the list Google it actually and just ask what stocks trombones and you'll get a comprehensive list of a whole bunch of companies people are boycotting them and it's working
He has been ripping off the government for years now too. Maga are his victims of narcissistic abuse, love bombed into believing he is a savior. Or implicit in their own pathologies.
True. I have to shake my head when I see someone talking about how good a friend he is. 🤮 They know his lies and are okay with it. They tell on themselves. Birds of a feather. BTW I won’t be being seen standing even close to him and his buddies. They are all idiots. 😳
People legit don't believe me when I tell them that ALL of the Northeast area was done with that asshat by like 1996. None of this shit is new to us. There's a reason he's never won New Hampshire despite it being 100% GOP run for years now: first-hand experience of his fuckery is a hell of a thing
Minor quibble: NYers knew who he was. They thought it was funny in the Trump University days when he was scamming MidWesterners who assumed NY wouldn't let him get away with fraud. NYC LOVES rich fraudsters who prey on MidWesterners, ESPECIALLY when they make donations to mayoral races.
Nobody with half a brain takes the National Enquirer seriously, and the NY Districts Attorney never went after him in any serious way. Revenue never went after him for obvious tax fraud. NY banks never went after him for obvious bank fraud. NY enabled Trump, right up to and including the Apprentice.
He could have been in prison decades ago but all his life he's gotten pass after pass because he donates to the right people and he's willing to engage in open quid-pro-quo schemes with the most corrupt politicians he can find. In NYC, they weren't hard to find.
Listen to Noel Casler. Trump Models (His underage Easter European prostitution ring) half existed just to get NYC officials in his pocket. Trump is a RESULT of NYC, not an aberration of it. That city needs to clean house with bleach.
Whatever. Housewives at grocery stores, bored retired elderly people and teenagers read the Enquirer 30-40 years ago. I was a child. I knew he was a piece of shit and I lived in a red Southern state in the 90s.
Nope, he doesn't. When I lived in NJ there were lawsuits from contractors who had worked on his casinos who never got paid.
They'd take him to court and of course Donald pulled the delay, delay, delay. Quite a few went bankrupt and at least one unalived himself.
I have always been aware of trump's status as someone that was despised and yet he craved acceptance. It has always been pathetic to see him clamoring to be accepted as one of the elite of NY and never being accepted. His narcissism is epic.
Trump voters didn't vote for him in spite of who he was, they voted for him because they loved who he was. His number haven't dropped at all with republicans.
I will never forgive the assholes who support this fascist piece of shit, I will forever see them as America hating Putin loving fascist pieces of shit.
John G. Roberts, Jr., Chief Justice of the U.S.—once respected, now a disgrace. Under Trump, the Court rolled back women’s rights by a century, tarnishing its legitimacy. Shame on you for selling us out.
Exactly….so I remain puzzled 😕 why this unfit lying, corrupt person was not a NATIONAL pariah??? The tape of him ‘’pretending’’ to be his own publicist 🤡 should be looped and played on the ‘Daily show’ every damn day for pure humiliation🤭
Thanks for that post. I’ve been watching trump since the early eighties, and this is only one example. And that disclaimer that it’s a management company,that the trumps don’t get involved in those issues is pure, unmitigated BULL! I’d bet money that he keeps his fingers in every pie in his cabinet
It seems no one cares that he's a piece of shit. Despite all the evidence that he shouldn't be in the white house running the country. I'm only hoping that he doesn't do to much damage before his term is over. Hopefully he doesn't pull a Hitler.
The fact they don't care tells you all you need to know about his supporters. Arm yourself, and protect those who can't protect themselves. Never in a million years did I think this would be our moment of truth, disco don, the coke addled pedo as president.
He's already broke 100s of laws and hasn't done a single thing to make sure our system is still even in existence by the time he's done. He's been laughing about what he's doing.. and you think he's just going to give it all up just to be arrested and imprisoned for the rest of his life? HA.
It's already too late. I'm surprised you think he'll allow his term to be over. He's even said it himself and his echo chamber has agreed. He needs to be more than just removed from office and all those that serve him before more people are murdered, get deported and get thrown in prison wrongfully.
I believe it is to late as well, but I'm hopeful that he can be removed and what he destroys can be fixed. I'm hopeful we are not going to have what happened to Germany when Hitler took power.
Trump is the archetype villain we all grew up rooting against in movies and books. The bad guy.
Evil developer
Mob boss
Crooked politician
Serial abuser
Serial predator
Business fraud
Now the US President.
I was thinking the same thing. I’d have to look into it. I was going to say that this was just when racism was still an issue but it’s still an issue today. I’d have to check it out
He's always been so busy "standing for" himself, that he's incapable of "standing for" anyone else. He's a soulless, subhuman despot who masquerades as a human.
At least he has always been truthful about himself. Look, he got already back then 100 mil in tax exemptions. Why do people think he knows or cares about average working class, just blows my mind?
yeah I was just a kid but I heard stories about trump then how he stiffs his workers and contractors him and father didn’t want to rent to black people how he put out a full page ad to get the central park five kids a the list can go on and on and on about this horrible human being
Wish more of these stories of just how heartless trump actually is had been known by more people, but I suspect, sadly, that many of his supporters would have applauded this also. Cruelty is part of the plan.
Like father like son... this link is the Woody Guthrie song "Old Man Trump" about donnie's daddy, who was infamous in his day. Check it out. It's just as relevant today as it was then. The trumps have been destroying lives and dodging drafts for 150 yrs https://youtu.be/jANuVKeYezs?si=6HV3MdTXLu8R7kwm
I would think that's a bit much, but I read something that France wanted it back and he said no... can definitely see him melting her down in the harbor just for spite.
That is totally possible, spite. But I've thought this since the Inauguration. He's destroyed her message; he'll want to destroy her physically, too. He and his crew hate what she symbolizes, and I do wish France would just come and save her because we don't deserve her anymore anyway.
Who he is today is who he’s always been, and I’ve despised him since 1990. He is one of the worst people in our society and we should have extracted him like an infected tooth decades ago.
He is the embodiment of everything wrong and disgusting about the human animal.
start plastering these articles all over the phone poles and walls of buildings ask to hang them up all over shops so people are forced to confront it every day.
I spent most of my early life in NY/NJ. I can attest to this. The NY Post regularly mocked him for his failures and peccadilloes. He became popular when the great unwashed got to see his TV show. He is who he needs to be, when he needs to be, to get what he wants.
if you lived in nyc, you knew all too well about the Trump crime family. 76 million morons voted for him because he was on t.v. saying "You are Fired".
NY had to sue him REPEATEDLY because he would not stop his racist housing policies. Roy Cohn (the sleaziest mob lawyer ever to be disbarred) kept filing horseshit counterclaims & helped him evade justice.
New York has got to have immense hate for this man.They've been dealing with his BS for decades.Rise UP NY!Trump has ruined your city and now has France calling for one of our biggest landmarks from your city to he returned.Break him or his businesses or his kids businesses DOWN.
His past is riddled with hiding in the light. The article below is another. You can even scroll to the last paragraph which tragically could have been written in recent times or over the last few days. We all hope that question at the end, from 1990, is answered very soon. https://time.com/4465744/donald-trump-undocumented-workers/
Unfortunately MAGAs turned a deaf ear to the people who have known him for decades. Thanks for trying though New York. Still can’t understand how a northern Yankee can be a turn on for so many Southerners.
I never understood that either. I was born and raised in the South and moved to NJ to be with my husband. Lived there for 25 yrs.
Every time I traveled down to visit friends/relatives I got called a damn Yankee and asked how I could live with those northern Yanks. Same people voted for Donald.
when you think about it... it's like a novel... or a movie.. the foreshadowing was how evil he was... of course he's going to end up president.. where the country has to come together to stop his evil plans... sigh.. I don't want to be in this movie though.
Florida has the Midas touch! Recking the Florida economy was not on the Bingo card for 2025. It is going to be interesting to see if he screwed over enough people there. All the foreigners are going home for good.
I’m so glad I found my printer cord. I dropped some flyers off at my local Chick-fil-A after SCOTUS said they would take up gender conversion therapy. The store manager might be a friend of Stacy’s at Parker and Chambers in Aurora, CO 🤔
He was persona non grata in NY city until stupid Mark Burnett and NBC decided to make up fake success stories and launched The Apprentice. No one in rural America would have known who he was.
THIS. And Mark Burnett has shielded Trump for years. Multiple people have come forward and talked about Russian oligarchs pervasive presence at Apprentice after parties and uncut footage when Trump displayed blatant racism like using the N-word.
You didn’t miss much. It was quite obviously staged and an open ode to greed. I watched a handful of episodes after reading Noel Casler’s accusations (which would be worth your time as they clearly cannot go after him for breaking his NDA without opening themselves up to discovery in the courts)
I’d never heard of it until this year. But then I was sailing in the Pacific on a 40’ sailboat from 1998-2003. And no TV for years before that. Books. Books are the thing!
I knew 🍊💩 was a bigot and a mobbed up crook. From OK I knew. Lots of people did. It was such common knowledge in the 80’s I don’t understand why anyone ever voted for him. Apparently Americans avoid news, don’t read, and have poor memories.
If I know something for sure, the end will be excruciating, karma will make him feel every painful emotions he deliberately imposed on people. Karma never forgets
As someone who lived in NY in the 80's I concur, we always knew he was a liar, cheat, buffoon and rapist. I loathe him so much I've never watched the apprentice, can't stand the sound of his voice, literally repulsed by it. Completely taken aback that he would be elected POTUS....twice!
My knowledge of DT was just about nothing before I saw an episode of The Apprentice, and when he did that "You're fired!" bit, it just radiated BIG HEAD CARDBOARD CUTOUT FRAUD. That was the judgment I made of him, going in cold. It seemed so obvious. How could that show make folks look up to him?
Lots of stupid americans bought in to his bigger than life persona is the only explanation I have for it. I grew up in NY during the 70's and 80's and remember trump for who he was. A big fat blowhard. He is a fucking fraud. A wannabe shitty 2bit conman.
My sister & her husband lived in NY starting in 1990 for several years so I was aware of what a scumbag he was, esp. during the "Central Park Five" era.
If anyone had did a little research (even in the library) they would have found how evil trump has always been from childhood to his present demented, sociopathic, narcissistic, corrupt, criminally, dishonest, destructive, delusional self.
My mother from New Jersey said before the 2016 election,"I don't want to live in a Ttump world". Why, she stated because he will put me out on the street. I assured her I would not let that happen. She was trying to tell me about this history.Luckily she does not have to witness the carnage
New York should have prosecuted him years ago for all the unlawful activities he's been doing for years. This falls on multiple people in NY and other places
I remember doonesbury cartoons from 80s an 90s taking the piss. If they make a reboot of "back to the future" in 20 years it'll be trump, not reagan😁
That's assuming the US will still exist by then.
“A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” ...
-Edward R. Murrow
Yup, it's his exceptionally long history of being a criminal and basic jackass that has caused me to wonder who the heck who is even mildly informed could vote for this guy???
EVERYONE knew he was in business with the Russian Mafia.. it was common knowledge.
schools defunded, banned books, student debt, media that all words for the billionaires who want to keep people stupid and docile
all this adds up
are you telling me this guy has always been bad, and the only way he could have risen to power is by a collective effort among bloodthirsty populists to redraw all the voting districts to disproportionately favor the fucking molemen
the people always have had the power and it’s time to exercise it instead of handing it over willingly
You WILL if we GET RID OF trump!
He won. The bank paid millions and sold out to a big bank that cut 200+ jobs. If you live in NY you know what Trump is about.
Now it’s FAFO time.
They'd take him to court and of course Donald pulled the delay, delay, delay. Quite a few went bankrupt and at least one unalived himself.
Evil developer
Mob boss
Crooked politician
Serial abuser
Serial predator
Business fraud
Now the US President.
Where's our hero?
Now think of someone telling you they're going to be President
Now you know how New Yorkers feel
He is the embodiment of everything wrong and disgusting about the human animal.
Man is a diabolical sentient shit stain
I think I need to shower having just read that. I feel GROSS
What a disgraceful piece of racist garbage
Such a disgusting perversion of justice.
If you have enough money, the rules don’t apply to you
Every time I traveled down to visit friends/relatives I got called a damn Yankee and asked how I could live with those northern Yanks. Same people voted for Donald.
The people who don't yet hate him, hate some of the same things he he does. But when he attacks something dear to them, that changes.
His only real concern is himself. He will sacrifice anybody and I do mean anybody to avoid public humiliation
His supporters are just as bad. Imho stop employing anybody who supports a Repub
I went to FL to see friends on Sanibel after the storm and was shocked at the changes.
Leave it to republicans to fuck up a good thing. Oyy!!
of trumps petty cheap thievery and bullshit in NYC. We told you he was a scumbag.
Loathed him.
That's assuming the US will still exist by then.
-Edward R. Murrow