The Constitutional crisis was 2017-2024. That period saw many, increasingly egregious violations of Constitution and rule of law that US institutions struggled to contain. One by one, barriers between democracy and authoritarianism fell to the onslaught.
We're now in the post-Constitutional crisis.
We're now in the post-Constitutional crisis.
The Nazis were fascist authoritarians, while China is communist authoritarian (or at least was in the 1980s during the Tiananmen Square protests, they're sort of a state-managed capitalist authoritarian now).
Both are opposed to liberal democracy.
What now?
You are one of my heroes of sharp expression. Half a dozen have emerged in this crisis.
Two others
you sure about that?
A legal question at the state level was adjudicated by the Supreme Court, and all relevant parties honored the Court's decision.
That's the Constitution functioning, even if you dislike the results, not the Constitution in crisis.