Many of us stopped using the right-leaning site for various reasons, but maybe it makes sense for someone like Secretary Pete (who gets a lot of engagement) to keep posting there so at least the other side sees a different message. It’s sort of like going on Fox News. Thoughts?
I wish the Dems had leaders that could message to their own at the very least.
The rest of us should not provide X with content or page views
I can go back.
There's never been a societal problem that was made better through ridicule and insults.
For folks who want to read and discuss, I think it's good to use platforms that are not promoting hate, nerfing democracy, or advocating climate destruction.
Doing the latter, fixes the former.
Somebody has to, for now.
Made a feed to help with that:
Influence = leadership
Shunning -> no voice
As a private person however, looking for meaningful interaction, I couldn't bare.