Thank you. As an older woman it surprises me that most women who follow those ideas are younger women. They don't know what what freedoms we worked to win for them not to be an appendage to a man
I found a fascinating video of a former MAGA woman explaining how she got in that world. It boiled down to a lot of internalized misogyny and always seeking the approval of men.
Neither did I😔 I couldn’t have imagined so many people would vote against there own self interest but then again maybe there just so uninformed that they really didn’t invest in the time to actually participate in actually researching what and whom they entrusted our future to🤯
This country is filled with shallow, entertainment oriented spoiled adults. They didn’t recognize the important cause. They sold out women and democracy for cheaper gas and eggs. It’s what mattered to them. Normal governance is boring it seems. Attention spans are very short. So…democracy lost.
I wouldn’t feel sad. Angry is better. Angry is what makes you motivated to do something better like quit a toxic friend/partner, or quit Twitter, or take up a craft like cooking because someone said you couldn’t. Screw that person! Humanity thrives on “Screw You!”
Has more to do with apathy. A lot of people are most concerned with their pocketbook and they were convinced one option was better than the other. I don’t agree with it, but I believe we should be pragmatic about it.
Or immigrants hating other immigrants because they've reaped all the benefit first. Have you seen the MAGA faces? Ramaswamy (Indian), Elon (South African) , JD Vance's wife (Indian), Trump Wife (Slovakian), etc etc.
Patriarchy is one thing a lot have women have not shed. They were taught they have no value in being independent thinkers and the only value they have is when they are chosen by a man. This causes competition and jealousy between women and worst of all they give up their independent thinking.
Yeh. Pretty sad isn't it????? Many women who are dominated by the men in their lives. I am my own person. I make my own choices. Stand in my way and I'll walk over you.
Women hating on other women has been around since I was little. It’s insane but I for one can speak for myself,I don’t hate other women,in fact,I encourage myself to lift other women up to make them see worth and value in themselves.
High control patriarchal religions don’t allow their wives to vote. This election they learned that if they requested absentee ballots they could make their wives vote the way they do. That means each married man got to vote twice and the wife couldn’t do anything about it. That may be part of it.
I just don’t know how we come back from this. I was at the rallies and did the phone banking and felt the palpable growing wave of enthusiasm. The choice was clear to me without doubt. I couldn’t understand why it was even close. How could people trade democracy for cheaper eggs and gas?
Not sure if it’s “hate”. Petty definitely but hate? I think it’s a lot of misinformation that was able to reach much farther than the truth. If you say the lie enough, people will eventually believe the lie is the truth.
Oh I’ve always known. American YT women actually hate themselves - that’s what I believe. The women that love themselves - they are finding their way here.
I thought about this and realized it's been like this for so long certain ones they're "nice" to your face but talk behind your back, how could we have thought it would be different in the adult world
Internalized misogyny. Being raised to gender roles and so-called acceptable behavior like being silent and beig told.
It takes a lot of work to get your mind out of it. Some wont even try.
Ugh. My mother is one of them. She voted for Harris but believes women working has created autism! As a Special Education Teacher with a Masters emphasis on Autism Spectrum Disorders, I can tell you my mother is not disabled….just ignorant
There’s gonna be more! There a movement started by women that say, NO MEN, NO DATING, NO SEX, NO BABIES. Now that women are dying due to childbirth, not woman in her right mind wants that!
They want to see the birthrate down to it’s the lowest it’s ever been.
The ignorance is insane. My step daughter seriously posted, "we protected the babies f om being aborted after birth". Um.... She has 2 babies w 2 different baby daddies so not the ticket scientist on birth control she thinks she is.
There were loads of interviews of women saying being president is a man's job. It's mind blowing that there are still women who don't believe in themselves.
A lot of girls have been told from birth that their entire existence depends on a man. It's no surprise that they then turn into the ultimate 'pick me' women.
Patriarchy absolutely relies on convincing women that they need to destroy other women to prove themselves as the rare "good one" who deserves to be treated as a human.
I know right?
But George Galloway made a good point.
Women might need an abortion once or twice in their life. But they need milk, eggs and bread every week.
Perhaps it's not hate? Maybe they prioritised the side talking about what they need more of? 🤷
You get 'used' to it....
Do you hate men too?
It takes a lot of work to get your mind out of it. Some wont even try.
They want to see the birthrate down to it’s the lowest it’s ever been.