I think you singlehandedly made it so this place will beat Threads. Much like how Blu-ray beat HD-DVD except the deciding factor is the funny trans people in my phone are skeeting over here
Surprised Elon didn't go after the game's developers once it came out, since they had Grimes's character snap her techno-douche boyfriend's spine, and your character gets paid a bonus for throwing his corpse down a garbage chute.
given how litigious elon is i bet they are at least cross checking from the actual book itself before writing an article on it, but yeah it's kinda funny how the media only took note of it after i made my post. i read that paragraph and lost my mind
A few years ago I FWD an email from my employer that stated I had done a good job to my bank and asked them to apply it to my mortgage principal. They were confused, so I had to explain that in lieu of a raise, I got this email and it was going to have to suffice that month. It didn’t.
"see this GIF?" I say as it takes a minute to load up on my phone "I made this, it's got over 5 million views! You should be paying ME to take these 5 packets of budget ramen and an energy drink!"
Will somebody tell this guy no? For once?
Wonder if you could edit a screen cap with a fake passage and pass that through them