I know someone who met R.D. face-to-face and he said DeSantis was wearing snakeskin boots that clearly had lifts in them. Changed the whole way I look at the mf lol.
Gah, the transparent pants one. Not enough that at first glance it looks like someone photoshopped him into a skirt suit, which isn't okay because he's not good enough for a skirt, but something is up with those foots
It’s funny how so much conspiracy could surround a dude who’s probably just wearing shoes that are way too large to compensate for his small feet insecurities.
Not just you. And his lower legs are, if one takes his presented appearance as unaltered, completely disproportionate to his thighs.
He is wearing CRAZY lifts.
But then, he’s also told others that they can’t be their true and authentic selves, but maybe that’s because he never has ben true and honest about himself, so it’s really projecting.
It's either heels or he has tiny baby feet and is too self conscious to let any other men know about his tiny little baby feet. Either way, it's funny asf.
I feel like the people coming up with this stuff are actually trying to make me like Desantis. Conservatives really have no clue how anyone outside that sphere thinks.
He is wearing CRAZY lifts.
But then, he’s also told others that they can’t be their true and authentic selves, but maybe that’s because he never has ben true and honest about himself, so it’s really projecting.