the idea of declassifying UFO files does not interest me at all. UFO stuff regularly gets declassified and it's always "sometimes there's shit in the sky that we don't know what it is. except for when we do know what it is cuz we put it there; for war." great. boring. waste of time
Back then you had folks who genuinely believed in aliens, nowadays it's all just Nazis whining about women and marginalized groups.
So the conspiracy just boils down to "the government is hiding scientific proof of God"
The files: There was an object. It was flying and we couldn't identify it. The only thing we know for sure... Is that we don't know what it was.
Like it's literally just "G Lock? Heh, sounds like a skill issue." *slides into tube of breathable lemon Jello*
Nevertheless, it would be better if (more) scientists themselves gathered data and investigated rather than hope for gov research to be The Galileo Project is doing
Lots of documents about individual cases that I don't have at hand right now
Warthunder forums leak stronger secrets about weaponry than this lmao
They're all still fake, but at least it's better than "I saw a plane i didn't recognize."
Thus all UFOs have just mundane explanations like being misidentified planes.
Such logic
Such reading comprehension
Like, sorry, but most classified stuff isn't cool AF. It's probably just interesting to specific disciplines.
A neat plane or drone design is one thing...